Friday, January 27, 2012

nursery pix and baby girl update.

well as of yesterday, i am officially 36 weeks pregnant.  that means in 6 days, i will be considered full term! that means, she should be absolutely fine if she comes anytime.  (kena, you just can't come until the 11th so grandma can get here first). 

this week i had two doctors appointments.  at my regular OB on tuesday, i had my first "check".  i'll leave it at that, as to not gross anyone out that doesn't know what it is.  apparently i'm still tight as a clam (lol, inappropriate?) and am not at all dilated or effaced.  in other words, that means nothing.  i was initially disappointed but i realized that i'd rather be at zero progress than think i was more ready than i am.  i now go to weekly appointments to check on the progress.  my mom said she never progressed at her appointments, she just started moving along once active labor started. 

wednesday was my last high risk appointment.  which means it was my last ultrasound. crazy i won't see makena's cute face again until she's in my arms.  i can safely say that she is still...healthy!! the tech giggled when she measured her round little tummy, chubby cheeks and double chin :)  as of wednesday they estimated her weight to be 7 POUNDS 2 OUNCES! holy crap.  i still have 4 weeks to go (or less, hopefully) and babies gain about 1/2 lb per week at this point.  the doctor predicted her weight to be between 8 lbs 9 oz and 9 lbs 3 oz if i deliver at 39 weeks.  that being said, if she goes to or past her due date, she will for sure be over 9 lbs.  my poor.....body! she's also slightly posterior, which means that she is partly angled face-up.  she is head down, but her spine is slightly facing my back.  this could still change, even as late as the day of, but if she stays in this position, labor will be more difficult than normal.  great!  i already have to push out a 9 pounder, might as well throw in some intense back labor to really make it a party.  i could be making this up, but i think her slightly posterior position is why her movements are so constant and violent! her sharp elbows and knees are scraping against my belly!! (OUCH, its like she just heard me!!).  as of tuesday she hasn't dropped yet, but i think each day she is slowly starting to, because at night i swear i feel like shes gonna fall out sometimes.  enjoy those cute cheeks one last time before you get to see them OUT of the womb, lol.
profile shot
straight-on face shot. if you were to turn the picture to the left it would be right side up. see those cheeks?!?
well that's that latest on whats going on inside my uterus....

here's whats going on outside.  her nursery is officially DONE!! i am so happy.  i had so much fun putting everything together.  we decided to stick with a gender-neutral theme so we can re-use everything with each kid.  the pictures speak for themselves.  special shout-out to kim for painting the name letters over her crib, they turned out AMAZING!
toy box (courtesy of tbr), crib, hamper, and name letters :)
different angle, including dresser. shows the wall colors well
close-up of the dresser with lamp and scentsy on.  name blocks made by andrea and a jar to hold her bows made by me
close-up of her scentsy, its a photo frame that lights up her ultrasound picture when turned on! thanks mom and dad!
the lighting is a little off, but here's the second wall with dresser, table and chairs (from tbr crew) glider chair and bookshelf (made by daddy).
close-up of table and chairs (tbr), a scentsy stuffed animal (from auntie sooz) and a homemade frame from andrea that still needs a picture.
homemade bookshelf by daddy, bookends painted by me and some classic books (some from uncle jeff)
third wall.  door to the bathroom, glider and changing table/dresser.
another angle, including her decorated diaper pail and homemade door sign (made by me). the wall decorations are decals that we stuck onto backless frames :)
inside of her crib, kind of blurry...woops!
last wall view, sitting in glider.  door and closet
inside of her closet. spoiled baby! those aren't even all the clothes, just the ones that are 6+ months!
proud mommy and "sister" hanging out in the nursery, 36 weeks pregnant
and there you have it! until next week...

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