Tuesday, January 17, 2012

very productive. (i think its safe to say i've started nesting).

as i sit here with ellen on in the background, this chicken cooking in the oven...
orange-rosemary roasted chicken

this make-ahead meal cooling off in the fridge....
garlic chicken with orzo and wilted spinach
these nursery-themed homemade shelf bookends drying...

 and this ninja baby kicking my innards...

i'm feeling very productive.  and super housewife-y. (its a word). 

i figure a quick baby update is in store.  well, to be honest, its not so much of a baby update as a whiny pregnant lady update.

let me just start by saying, i absolutely love being pregnant.  the fact that i am growing a human being inside of my body is completely mind-blowing.  i watch this miracle play out and wonder how people don't believe in God.  seeing my belly contort and wiggle because my active, strong and healthy baby girl is playing around in there still amazes me.  BUT.  there are definitely some less glamorous "side effects" that come with the joys.  i'll share just a few of the things i've been experiencing as the weeks quickly count down to the big day (keep in mind i'm only sharing the pg side effects. you're welcome):

-apparently i snore now.  i used to snore when i was little.  and when i was little, i was tiny. like, a tiny skinny person. but apparently i had a MEAN snore.  my parents room was down the hall and they would wake up to my snoring.  at 5 years old i got my tonsils removed, for numerous reasons, and the snoring ceased.  fast forward 20 years and i now saw logs again in my sleep.  jon made me aware of this about a month ago but i didn't believe him.  he spent the next week trying to videotape my snoring in the middle of the night, but i guess every time he would start the video i would stop.  of course this made me believe him even less. well after about 4-5 attempts, he caught me.  touche babe.  those snores are no joke.

-my heart burns.  i had never experienced heartburn before, and honestly, i hope it promptly leaves when makena does.  it is awful.  i pop a zantac 150 before bed and sometimes a few tums, but nevertheless i'll wake up a few nights a week with burning acid in my throat.  it feels like i need to burp but its just liquid in my throat and burrrrrrrns. my stomach is smooshed up to my neck practically, so it makes sense. but that doesn't make it pleasant.  i'll leave it at that.

-i am a human heater.  jon and i aren't that cutesy pukey couple who snuggles up in each other's nooks as we fall asleep and just hold each other through the night.  we usually sleep back-to-back with a few inches of space (or a dog named kona) between us.  well, now that the weather is a lot colder and i radiate heat, jon loves to snuggle up to me.  he really just needs to put his feet up to my feet, because its enough to warm his whole body.  cute right? not really. i already have an extra person inside of me, my body is pumping 40% extra blood and i am freaking roasting.  the last thing i want is someone else sending more heat through me.

i usually wake up sweating. most of the time its in the middle of a crazy weird dream, usually about labor. then i realize i have to pee. so i waddle out of bed. then my burny acidic throat starts to bother me.  and then my moving around wakes makena up and she starts practicing her kickboxing.

look, i know motherhood is going to be extremely challenging (especially in the first few weeks/months) but i do have to say i'm getting excited to not be pregnant anymore.  i can't wait to meet our sweet baby girl and kiss on her chubby cheeks! 

sidenote: i went to my regular ob this morning and everything looks good.  i've been noticing my belly button rise up and down consistently for a few minutes every few days and i found out that its makena practicing her breathing.  a very good sign!!  i now will have weekly appointments and they will start checking me next week to see if i'm dilating.  one of my best friends ashley is coming to visit on saturday for a week while jon goes to newport beach, ca for a service meeting.  so excited!  next wednesday is my last appointment/ultrasound at the high risk ob.  excited to find out how she is measuring and what she is weighing at 36 weeks.  check back next week for the deets!

1 comment:

  1. i can't wait to see you AND makena even though i wont actually get to meet her this time around :)
