Thursday, January 5, 2012

fat fingers, part 1.

as i sit here with a numb left hand, i decide its a good time for an update...

about a month ago, jon asked me if i was planning on taking my rings off before my fingers start to swell.  i didn't think my rings would become impossible to take off so i said no.  plus i just hated the idea of not wearing a wedding ring, AND my sister in law kim had no problem with her rings so i figured i was good to go.  boy was i wrong. 

a few weeks go by and i start realizing that my fingers are indeed pretty swollen.  i attempt to take my rings off but to no avail.  i sort of ignored it, hoping that my fingers won't get any more swollen, but the more i read about it, the more i realize i need to get these bad boys off.  apparently your fingers swell a ton during labor and even after birth. i would like to keep feeling in my fingers and NOT have to get them cut off (the rings, that is). 

so of course i start googling ways to remove rings.  i grab a bowl of ice water, the container of olive oil, and bundle up and have a warm cup of coffee in my right hand.  ready, go! i dunk my left hand in the bowl and holy hell, that is cold!  (and i have to go through LABOR!??) i force myself to keep it submerged for about 3 minutes.  when i start losing feeling i figure its a good time to give it a shot. i take my hand out of the water and rub it down with olive oil.  i twist and i turn and.....nothing.  honestly it wasn't even close.  now i have no feeling in my hands except for the pain i'm experiencing in my ring finger.  after another ice water attempt and more twisting, nada. 
frick. this is cold.
 now my finger is twice as swollen as when i start and i'm slightly panicking. 
no success. and double swollen. damn.
i get back online and put a post on babycenter about it.  after lots of suggestions i realize windex is supposed to do the trick.  if that doesn't work (which i guarantee it won't) then the last thing to try is the string technique.  you basically tightly wrap your finger from the tip down and wedge the string under your ring.  then you slowly untwist the string and it should slide the ring up and over your knuckle. SHOULD.

i'm gonna wait it out a few hours and then give this a try. WISH ME LUCK! i'll report back with the results. stay tuned!

this is what my days consist of now.  oh am i gonna have another thing coming in a few weeks!


  1. Haha! You crack me up! GOOD LUCK KRIS! Are your rings sautered together? If not, try doing one at a time.

  2. Try it first thing in the morning. You're less swollen then.

    And everyone I know got a cheap wedding ring (the kind withnfake diamonds) to wear since they couldn't fit in their real ring but didn't want to be seen out without one.
