Monday, January 9, 2012

fat fingers, part 2.

well, i'm sad to report that my rings are still attached to my finger.  i went through a lot this weekend all in hopes of sliding these little tokens off but i lost that battle.  here's what i did:

-went on a strict diet. 
my meals both days included hard boiled eggs, arugula salads with either plain chicken breast, salmon or tuna, naked juice, fresh squeezed juice, bell peppers, and garbanzo beans. ZERO SALT.

-went to the gym. haven't done that in a month. 
i walked a mile and a half on the treadmill and then spent the rest of the days off my feet.

-iced my hand multiple times per day.
did this to try and keep the swelling down.

-drank 64+ oz water each day. 
sounds weird to drink water because it seems like you would retain it, but apparently when you drink a lot of water it flushes it out of your body.

-didn't mess with my fingers.
i tried to leave my hand alone so i wouldn't aggravate any more unnecessary swelling.

ALL THIS, for nothing. 

this morning is when i decided to try the final removal, because i noticed my fingers seem slightly less swollen than at night.  so i started with the elevating of my hand over my head for 20 minutes...

then moved on to some ice.  then i tried wrapping my finger with thread, dousing it in windex and slowly turning and sliding up. 

nada.  the problem isn't my knuckles.  its underneath my knuckle.  so no amount of windex, oil, vaseline or soap is gonna make a difference.  its the fatness of my finger that i can't get over, not the knuckle.  after a couple of tears (of discouragement) and angry words, i realized these rings aren't coming off unless its with a sharp object.

take my advice and do NOT be as dumb as me.  take your rings off right away.  i'm so mad at myself for letting it get to this point.  i know its really not a huge deal but i don't want someone cutting my ring :( ugh.

now to research jewelers...

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