Friday, March 13, 2015

o: a day in my oily life

warning: long post. very informative, helpful and full of oily awesomness.....but long nonetheless.

so the point of this post is to walk you through a typical day in my life.  a day that i'm sure a lot of people(especially stay-at-home moms) can relate to.  i'll show you how i've almost completely gotten rid of drugs and chemicals from my medicine and cleaning cabinets and replaced them with essential oils.  it's also to show you that one single oil can have SOOO many different uses.

i picked a good day to do this, because oil use was in full force at our house during the last 24 hours.  as you probably saw yesterday, jon started coming down with the flu.  i gave him a few flu bombs, rolled my immunity roller over his feet a ton, had him drink thieves tea and even drown (drowned? meh, you get the point) his ears in hydrogen peroxide.  he went to bed feeling awful and had a fever or 100.7.  i rubbed lemon and peppermint up and down his spine once an hour for a few hours, rubbed a drop of lavender on his nose for the stuffiness, put some sleepy oils in the diffuser and got the bleep out of there! you better believe i slept in the guest room. i refuse to get sick.

i come in the room this morning to check on him and he's awake and audible (last night he looked like death and barely wanted to talk).  first thing he says is, whatever voo doo magic you did on me last night with those oils worked.  his fever broke in the middle of the night and he was feeling a million times better today.  got out of bed, got ready for the day and headed out of town for work.  no way that would have been the outcome without these oils.

this odd looking contraption is called a personal inhaler.  i keep one in my purse, one in the car and one on my nightstand for mornings where i'm struggling to get moving.  there's a cotton insert that is saturated with a few drops of both peppermint and lemon.  i chose these two because they are energizers. a few whiffs of this and it gives me just enough kick in the booty to get up.

i pulled all the sheets off the bed that jon slept in and got the diffuser going asap.  thieves to kill bacteria, purication to purify the air and orange cause....yum.  i also sprayed everything he touched with a homemade thieves spray. 

germy sheets went in the wash with a few drops of purification. 

my throat started getting scratchy and that's exactly how jon's flu started so i wanted to nip it in the bud before it got worse.  i drank 3 cups of thieves tea throughout the day. it's amazing how instant the relief is after drinking a glass of this. it's recommended you use organic, local honey but sometimes you just have to make do with what you have on hand. in addition, i used my immunity roller on my feet every few hours. (btw: its now friday and my sore throat never progressed into anything! score!)

well, welcome to a tmi part of my life.  makena has some crazy poop issues. she gets constipated because she tries to hold it all in for days sometimes. so when its time to go, needless to say its huge, hard and painful.  this can be an all day dramatic event at our house but thankfully with this tummy troubles roller i made, the process goes much quicker.  see the pathetic look of misery on her face while crouched up on the floor?

she was excited because i let her roll it on her own belly....

41 minutes later and she had pooped, is dressed, and is clearly feeling better!

poop crisis averted. after my morning coffee of course, i like to fill up a GLASS bottle with water (today it was fizzy) and add a few drops of citrus oils.  it varies between orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime and peppermint.  today i chose orange and grapefruit.  the reason you need to use glass is because citrus oils can pull out toxins in a plastic cup or water bottle, and that is no bueno. 
shower time.  i add cedarwood and lavender to my shampoo to help my hair grow faster and stronger.  it's been a huge help since i started shedding like crazy after having elias.

i use both of these items twice a day.  morning and night.  just made this stretch mark cream but i'm excited to see some results.  also, one drop of thieves on your toothpaste is aaaaaaamazing.  not only does it kill the bacteria in your mouth (which eliminates bad breath), it leaves your teeth and entire mouth feeling ridiculously clean.

large picture of my eye. there's a reason.  like the same logic as above, i put a drop of lavender in my mascara to promote lash growth.  it doesn't look like much but my eyelashes are seriously almost non-existent.  i've only been doing this for about a month and already i can tell that my lashes are longer, especially the bottom ones. 

sidenote: jon got a "raspberry" on his knee at volleyball and asked me what oils to use, so i hooked him up with some frankincense and some mel-a (tea tree oil). 

these two rollers are a staple in my morning routine.  i suffer from a lot of back and sciatica pain due to a weak core from diastasis recti as well as just carrying a lot of tension in my shoulders/upper back.  deep relief is amazing for problem spots.  i usually start with a pain cream i made and then apply deep relief to specific spots.  my liquid xanax is pretty self explanatory.  i'm weaning off my anxiety meds and this has taken the place of those.  i apply to my wrists and back of neck and my anxiety 

nap time for this cutie.  he was a little snotty so i diluted a drop of lavender and rubbed down the bridge of his nose so he could sleep soundly.  success!

time to run some errands.  i always carry thieves spray with me to spray down shopping carts, dropped toys and to disinfect little hands when we are out and about.  i love that i can spray this on my kids toys and not worry that the toys go right back in the mouth. no chemicals going in their bodies. 

after we got home, i got the kids lunch and ran a load of dishes in the dishwasher.  i forgot to take a picture but i added some lemon to the detergent to help clean, make dishes smell good, and reduce the appearance of water spots on my glasses.  also helps cut grease. 

afternoon nap time.  rubbed this blend on e's feet and off to snoozeland he went. 

makena on the other hand decided a nap was overrated.  she's 3, this happens.  the tough part is that when she doesn't nap, she ends up having night terrors that night.  (there's actually an oil for that which i'm dying to get but it's out of stock right now.)  i get frustrated when she doesn't nap because that's the only time during the day that i get a few minutes to myself.  i felt my anxiety creeping up so i grabbed my bottle of white angelica.  i put one drop on my wrists and slowly breathed the smell in for a few minutes.  i'm not kidding, that stuff is fantastic.  my agitation vanished and my mind felt clear.  yeah, i'll be using this daily. 

fast forward to bedtime.  we skipped bath tonight but i typically will put a few drops of a relaxing oil in the bath water.  with elias i use the oil in his hand (diluted thieves) to rub on teething gums and also the bottom of his feet as an immunity boost.  the cream in the jar has lavender and peace & calming oil mixed in coconut oil and that goes on as a moisturizer in place of store-bought baby lotion.  night night sweet boy. 

when it was time for makena to go to bed, i made sure to rub a little of this cream mixture onto her private areas.  she has sensitive skin and gets irritated easily, especially if she doesn't wipe well enough after using the potty.  this coconut oil has gentle baby essential oil in it. love this stuff (it's also in my stretch mark cream). 

some sleepy oils diffused and this little munchkin is out.  finally some time for mama to just sit and be.  :)

when it came time for me to go to bed, i knew i needed a good sleep blend.  i was doing way too much stuff right before bed that got my brain active so i knew i would have a hard time turning my mind off and falling asleep.  i diffused the 3 in the back and applied valor to my jaw line to help relax me (i clench my jar when i'm stressed/anxious).  gooooooooooodnight!!

and there you have it.  obviously my oil use changes daily according to what i need the oils for.  today was focused on immunity, sleep and anxiety.  other days i use them more for cleaning and cooking.  but that's whats so great about these oils....they can be used for nearly everything!  i hope that helped.  and remember, if you have any questions or want some help getting some of these in your hands, just shoot me a message.  also keep an eye out TODAY (FRIDAY) for a flash freebie.  I'm gonna offer a one-time discount for a premium starter kit purchase. and i honestly only have one voucher, so its gonna be first come first served. watch for the facebook post. 

have a great weekend!

disclaimer: i just want to be clear that i in no way am a doctor, and the things i've described above have proven successful with MY family.  i can't tell you 100% that these will work perfectly for you.  everyone's body chemistry is different and when it comes to oils, it takes tweaking and experimenting to figure out what works best.

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