Tuesday, March 3, 2015

beyond pregnant and still praying.

welp, i'm back.

clearly this blog and i are like a high school couple. on and off. and on and off again. but this time i have new excitements, double the amount of kid cuteness and there's always something i want to talk about.  the plan is to keep the general outline the same.  absurd amounts of pictures of my babies, recipes every so often, and now i'll be talking about the newest love in my life: essential oils. 

i struggle with posting on facebook (ok i obviously don't struggle, i post nonstop). what i mean is that it's hard to know when i'm being annoying with the amount of oil posts, kid pictures, etc.  but if i post on my blog and simply post the link on my facebook, it's nobody's fault but your OWN if you decide to click :) see my logic?

to connect the dots from the last post until now, it only makes sense to do a few updates:

i cannot believe my baby girl is already 3.  we went to disneyland a few weeks ago which naturally evolved into a minnie mouse themed birthday party.  we kept it super low key but had a great time.  thinking about getting kena into preschool soon (what?!).  our beautiful girl is now talking up a storm, continuing to learn new things everyday and is the most amazing big sister.  i stare at her with disbelief.  is she really mine?

elias joined our family on may 19th of last year, which means we are scarily close to his first birthday.  this hurts my heart because he's my tiny little baby! my tiny little, 20 pound, 4 teeth, walking with a walker, cheeseball baby.  i'm just not ready for him to be all old and stuff.  he's my last baby, and ohhhhhhh is he a mama's boy.  please tell me this won't change? we are about 99.999% sure we are done having kids so hitting all of these milestones is bittersweet.  pregnancy and my body don't mesh well and infants are....hard.  mine apparently sign a waiver in the womb stating that they solemnly swear to have reflux, colic AND sleep issues for at LEAST the first 3-4 months upon their exit.

you've obviously noticed by the 802936 pictures on FB that we bought our first home toward the end of last year!  we got the OK from jon's company to move as far south as temecula.  this was perfect because we've always been able to see ourselves there.  42 miles from my door to my parents and we live in the most amazing community.  pools, parks and even an elementary school within walking distance.  every grocery store, shop and restaurant that i could want are within 10 minutes of our house.  our house was by no means a fixer-upper but we had (ok, still have) a never-ending list of things we would like to do to it.  thanks to my rockstar husband, we've made some serious progress on making it our own.  new carpets, new paint on almost every wall....jon even built an office! he amazes me with the things he can do.  he built two walls. yes, walls.  there's still a lot we would like to do but until we build up some more of our "home improvement fund" those things will have to be put on hold.  overall it's perfect for us and we are more than happy with how it's come along. 

again, this isn't new news, but i've recently fallen in love with essential oils.  i kinda accidentally fell into the business side of things, although i have a hard time calling it a job.  i just spread the oily love, help educate people and for some strange reason they pay me for it!  i get to stay home with my kids and do this during my downtime.  i'm super passionate about young living's oils and have begun incorporating them into mine and my family's everyday lives.  it feels good to take a more natural approach to so many things.  you'll learn a ton of great stuff on this blog but also feel free to message me anytime with questions.  i truly enjoy teaching people and i believe they have a place in everyone's home. 

as for my cooking, i have to admit i'm slacking in the new recipes department.  with everything going on since we moved in, there just haven't been enough hours in the day.  i miss it though and have every intention of getting back on the horse soon.  this blog is good motivation.  i could use some opinions on types of recipes you would like to see posted!

i'll wrap up with that.  i'm excited to be back and share this new chapter of my life with my friends and family.  goodnight, xoxo.

this message brought to you by my stress away-infused bath.  :)

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