Wednesday, December 4, 2013

thanksgiving recap.

its been too long since my last post, which means this one will probably be way too long and all over the place. 

the week started off pretty rough when my baby girl got sick.  her temp spiked to 103.1 and we had to do 'round the clock meds.  i ended up taking her into urgent care and luckily she had no ear infection, strep or pneumonia.  her lymph nodes were swollen, her throat was red and she had some green snot which the doctor chalked up to her "being sick".  thanks doc.  this continued for about 3 days and then she had the worst case of teething i've ever seen.  makena really is a tough girl and doesn't whine or cry unless something really really hurts but she was completely miserable.  she woke up 3-4 times a night.  it was a very rude reminder of what its going to be like again in 6 months with a newborn.  oh lord i'm not ready for that.  mama needs her sleep.  kena FINALLY cut her teeth and got over her cold and she's much better now.  we have all been catching up on our sleep.

we got to poway on tuesday and nobody (except jon) knew it but i was counting down the hours until wednesday morning!  on sunday we decided that we were going to take a chance with an elective ultrasound and see if we could find out the gender of our baby!  14 weeks is the first day places will look and wednesday i would hit 14 weeks.  talk about impatient, i know.  but we wanted to surprise our families in person on thanksgiving! well, our little man has NO shame and it took him about 18 seconds to flash the goods.  there was no mistaking, he is all boy! it was such an amazing experience and i would recommend it to everyone who is pregnant.  they bring you into this super cozy large room with a HUGE sectional couch, an oversized comfy recliner chair for the husband, and a bed for the mom.  on the wall sits a MASSIVE tv screen.  literally, it took up the whole wall.  they even had a big box full of toys for makena to play with during the ultrasound.  the second our sweet baby was on that big screen, jon and i were in awe.  the machines at my dr office are terrible but this place was clear as day.  i felt so much more connected with my baby through this experience.  we almost didn't care if we found out the gender, just to watch him move and suck and squirm and yawn and kick was priceless.  he's quite the mover already. she even switched over to 4d for a second for us to see.  it was amazing/creepy.  sorry but its hard not to think babies look like aliens at that phase.  it was amazing nonetheless. we are so excited and jon is especially over the moon to have his boy.  he even got teary eyed a few times :) our little boy will be named elias gideon smith.  elias is what makena would have been if she was a boy and we still love it.  gideon, as most of you know, is my maiden name and i love/miss it and both jon and i think its a great, strong name.  we are happy to have a little piece of family involved in his name. 
straight on face/body/arm shot.  hi mom and dad!
hello. all boy.
perfect little profile. i love him so much.

the next day was thanksgiving and we could hardly wait to share our news.  we spent the first half of the day at my parents house and it was just us, them and my brother.  i made my mom/dad and jeff/cindy little craft gift baskets and i stuck this hershey bar inside each one.  i put it in the back and waited for them to figure it out.  my mom saw it first but didn't notice the blue so i told her to look a little closer.  everyone was super excited for us

the rest of the day was...delicious.  my mom rocked it just like she does every year.  i've had to miss the last two thanksgivings prior to this one because we were in georgia so it was really nice to be home.  i contributed my usual celery logs.  i get the "honor" of stuffing the celery with cream cheese and topping with green olives.  with my vinegar/salt cravings i can honestly say i probably ate one olive for every one that i actually used.  i also made this cute turkey made out of apple slices.  gotta love pinterest.  the dip is heaven! try it.  all it is is a block of cream cheese, softened, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup white sugar and 1 tsp vanilla extract. stir until combined and try not to eat it straight with a spoon. 
i also brought these yummy treats.  super easy to make and very addictive, especially if you like peanut butter.  here's the recipe:

Preparation Instructions

In a medium-sized bowl, stir together peanut butter, confectioners’ sugar, unsalted butter and crushed pretzels.
Roll into 1″ balls and put them onto a tray. Freeze for 30 minutes, or until firm.
Melt chocolate in a saucepan over low heat. Dip balls into melted milk chocolate and put them onto a parchment paper lined tray. Refrigerate until set.
Depending on size, you will end up with about 12 balls. I recommend that you double this recipe!
Recipe adapted from Martha Stewart Living.


  • ½ cups Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 5 Tablespoons Confectioners Sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon Room Temperature, Unsalted Butter
  • 1 cup Pretzels, Crushed
  • 5 ounces, weight Melted Milk Chocolate

and here's a cute place setting that my mama put together for the big meal.  clearly i was too focused on stuffing my face to get any pictures of the actual food.  trust me, it was delicious.  and it probably looked very similar to your plate.

later that afternoon we headed to santee to meet up with jon's immediate and extended family.  we shared our news and enjoyed everyone's company, even though makena was a teething, cranky mess. 

we spent the day after thanksgiving at the tree farm in ramona helping my parents pick out their tree.  makena also got to go on a pony ride and she had a BLAST! it was so fun to watch her smile and giggle after being so miserable all week.

on saturday we got together with jon's dad and stepmom and rachel and her family.  we got to enjoy this beautiful san diego sunset on our way down to their house.  beautiful.

we did turkey dinner again (yum!) and spent time with them.  makena had a great time with her cousins and they entertained themsleves (and us!) for a LONG time with a giant box.

since then we have come back up to redlands and put up our tree and finished our decorating.  OH! i just thought of something.  remind me to put up a post about my experience driving down to san diego for thanksgiving.  two words.  flying playhouse.  i'll make a separate post about it on another day.  anyways, we ended up getting our xmas tree FREE thanks to my parents neighbor who helps sell them through poway high's wrestling team.  they over-ordered so he gave one to us! (they sell for $80!) score!!

we are approaching the end of this post! woo!  i'm now 15 weeks pregnant and everything is looking good.  my poor herniated belly button randomly gets some pulling pains but its not too bad.  saw the doctor today and while she had the doppler on my belly listening to the heartbeat, we kept hearing these random JABS.  she kept laughing saying he was kicking her for pressing down on where he was.  active little man. 

well i think that's finally it! tonight i'm making turkey pot pie and mashed potatoes and tomorrow i'm doing eggplant parm so check back for recipes.  good for you if you made it this far!

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