Tuesday, December 10, 2013

scalini's baby-inducing eggplant parmesan.

as i sit here waiting for my potatoes to bake (i'm stocking up my freezer with some loaded baked potato soup), i will share one of my favorite meals with you.

sidenote: i'm over the moon with excitement right now.  this whole crib to bed transition has been rough.  it doesn't mix well with my non-medicated-because-i'm-pregnant anxiety.  its been a battle twice a day to get her to fall asleep.  every time its been with one of us in there.  well, for today's nap i took her in her room, told her to get in bed, and i sang her 3 songs.  i gave her a kiss, told her to stay in her bed and that it was time for night night.  i shut the door and left.  she immediately got out of bed and came whining to the door (didn't open it though, good girl).  jon went up to the door, told her to get in her bed and go to sleep.  she did.  ten minutes later she was out.  YAAAAAAAYYY!!! so now i reward myself with the time to cook :)

ok, back on track.  i learned of this recipe during birthing classes while pregnant with makena in georgia.  the women at the end of their pregnancies all raved about scalini's and their famous eggplant parmesan.  apparently some magical ingredient(s) in their recipe help women go into labor.  they will even give you a $25 gift card if you have your baby within 48 hours of eating it at the restaurant.  i laughed and thought, yeah right.  well, 38 weeks hit. then 39, and i was over it.  instead of going to the actual restaurant my mom and i decided to make it at home.  it didn't work for me but oh my gosh it was heaven.  i don't even know if i really like eggplant all that much but this meal is amazing! has a little kick and is covered in sauce and cheese.  i make it every few months now.  its somewhat time consuming but it makes a HUGE portion.  i really should start cutting the recipe in half.  and because i'm lazy, i'm gonna upload a picture of the recipe.  i will include my own pictures though. i hope you enjoy this half as much as i do.  serve over  or with garlic bread. 

the main ingredients.  i think i forgot a few until after the picture.
best smell ever. garlic and onions sauteing.
i had to run to the store as this was on the stove to get basil, mine had gone bad. grr.
at this point your house will smell fantastic.
not the prettiest eggplant.
the assembly line
most annoying, time consuming part.
sauce, eggplant, cheese. repeat.
i told you it makes a lot.
and there you have it.  mom, that little guy is coming to you next week.

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