Tuesday, November 12, 2013

um, red cabbage was on sale.

that's my story and i'm sticking to it.  ugh i can't even believe i'm posting this.

i feel like its much more acceptable to do all the silly gender prediction tests when you are pregnant with your first.  as you may remember, i did almost all of them last time.

well, there is one i didn't do. and when i was grocery shopping today i just HAPPENED to notice the red cabbage was on sale.  so what the heck.

here's the rules:
  1. Cut half a red cabbage into little pieces.
  2. Bring about 2 cups of water to a boil. Add two cups of cabbage pieces and remove the pan from the heat to let the cabbage simmer for about 10 minutes until the water turns a deep purplish color.
  3. Strain out the cabbage pieces and keep the water. Allow it to cool completely. Add equal parts of cabbage indicator water and urine. Concentrated urine (first thing in the morning, for example) works best, but try several times throughout the day. Watch for a color change!
the test says that a pink/red color indicates a boy and a purple color indicates a girl.

oh, and i also read you should do this test before 10 weeks. whoops. 

and yes, there are pictures. of my pee (kind of).  this is your tmi warning.

i happened to be texting my mom during all of this and told her what i was doing. her response: "OMG! You're crazy!"  then she asked "Did you just pee over a cup of juice? I had this vision of you squatting over a pot of cabbage water right there in the middle of the kitchen!! Lol!"

i wasn't sure if this qualifies as pink or purple but she thinks its purple.  if that's true kens is gonna have a little sister! not gonna lie i'd LOVE LOVE LOVE that.  until they are about 13. then i will probably loathe it.  guess i just have to wait a few more weeks/months to know. grr.

ok, all that being said.  i'll leave you with a recipe.  as i was making this yummy chowder today of course i'm taking pictures of the whole process. it didn't occur to me until i sat down to type it all out that i've already posted this recipe. (prego brain much?) well, here's the link. and here's a picture of my amazing lunch. i did add bite size pieces of chicken this time and next time i may reduce the corn to only 2 cans.  yummmmmmmm now it just needs to stop being 80 degrees outside.  

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