Friday, November 22, 2013


it's been a few days.  not because i'm dropping the blog ball, but because i've been busy (whoa!).  my mama was here for a few days and i've been going nonstop.

on wednesday i entered the honeymoon phase of pregnancy also known as the second trimester.  so happy to be here.  i am starting to get a little bit of my energy back and i no longer wake up pukey.  my belly is clearly growing but i don't feel massive yet and i haven't actually gained any weight.  this is the trimester where the kicks start (i've already been feeling rolling/flutters!) and we find out the gender (cannot WAIT!).  i'm leaning more and more toward boy but we will see in a few weeks!

another milestone: makena turned 21 months today! she's now perfectly between 1 1/2 and 2 years old, holy cow.  i'm so proud of the little girl she is becoming and she's starting to talk up a storm.  she can say about 40ish words now and in just the last few days has done a great job of repeating and trying out new words.  i love this little girl SO much.
little mommy. gonna be the best big sister.

it was so good to have my mom come up for a couple days, i love having her here.  i get to actually make her meals for her and take care of her instead of the other way around.  we did our typical shopping, cooking and enjoying each others company.  here's a few pix from her visit. 

needy kona was happy to have Di-Da here
kena having fun with one of her favorite people while i cooked

one of the nights mama was here, i made a yummy szechuan green beans and pork with some mabo tofu.  i've blogged about the mabo tofu before and you can find it here.  this time i'll add the green beans and pork recipe.  i suggest doubling the sauce. 


2T soy sauce
2T chicken broth or water
2T dry sherry
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp rice or white vinegar
1 tsp sugar
1/2 t salt
1/2 t hot red pepper flakes or crushed

1 1/4 lb fresh green beans, partially cooked but still crisp. Drain
1/2 lb ground pork (I use turkey)
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 t fresh ginger, minced
Chopped scallions


Brown meat, drain. Add garlic and ginger. Add partially cooked green beans. And then add sauce and sauté until most liquid is evaporated, about 1 minute. Toss in scallions.

it's nice and spicy! serve over white rice.

well that pretty much catches me up.  and as if i haven't posted enough pictures, i'll leave you with a few more.  xoxo
fun at the trampoline park
enjoying our morning beverages :)

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