Saturday, November 9, 2013

pregnant and praying, again.

well hello old friend, long time no see.  its been almost 4 months since my last entry and that's about to change. (someone hold me to it if i start dropping the ball!)

i write this blog for a few reasons:
1. i love having a reference when i'm in a cooking slump and want a yummy recipe with the play by play written out
2. i have a terrible memory so it's nice to look back on some of my pregnancy and baby milestones
3. like 5 people enjoy reading it, so there's that too :)

as you all know by now, i'm pregnant again! since i am now 11.5 weeks along i'll guess i'll give a little backstory as to how i got here.  (well, we all know how i got into this situation...)

jon and i have always known we wanted our kids to be fairly close in age.  in our perfect world they would be 2-2.5 years apart, which would mean we would start trying for number 2 this past july-ish.  we had a big beach house family reunion planned for the end of august so we thought we would wait until then.  well, between jon and i, we are extremely fertile people.  i actually got pregnant in early august.  sadly, i experienced my second (early) miscarriage.  i was blessed that it happened much sooner than the first one but its still heartbreaking nonetheless. 

we ended up not even waiting a month to start trying again and got pregnant again right away! i'm crazy when it comes to peeing on sticks so i was able to find out really early (3 weeks 3 days along).

over the last 7-8 weeks i've been feeling overall pretty decent. as decent as any pregnant mom can feel in their first trimester at least.  its a whole new ball game this time around, considering i have a toddler to care for.  thank god she's an easy kid.  my two worst symptoms have been fatigue and morning sickness.  ugh, i've forgotten how exhausting it is to create a life.  i just wanna lay around all day.  with makena i had morning sickness as well but i actually threw up a handful of times with her.  i'm not sure if its not as bad this time, or if i've just learned how to avoid the puking.  with makena i would get out of bed and do too much moving around before getting any food in my stomach and it would result in a trip to the porcelain throne.  now, i keep a banana or granola bar on my nightstand to eat before i even step foot out of my bed.  that seems to help. 

my first prenatal appointment was at 6 weeks, 6 days.  we were overjoyed to see that beautiful little flicker of a heartbeat on the screen.  all my dates were on track from the beginning and the heartbeat was strong. SO reassuring. pregnancy is scary as hell.  i'm due may 28th, which means makena and baby will be 2 years and 3 months apart...perfect!
first pic of baby munchkin
since i have a new OB this time i wasn't sure how everything was gonna play out when it came to my blood clotting disorder.  i had a high risk OB in georgia but my OB here doesn't think i need to be seen by a specialist.  i'm currently taking baby aspirin daily to thin my blood and will have to give myself the lovenox injections for six weeks postpartum (i'm already cringing at the thought. OUCH!)

my last appointment was just this week at 11 weeks exactly.  the ultrasound machine at the office is super old and tiny which is a huge bummer since i used to see makena on a big screen tv as clear as day at my high risk in GA.  i was spoiled.  anyway, the heartbeat was still very strong with a rate of about 155-160bpm.  makena's was always 170ish so i don't know what that means when it comes to the gender.
perfect little arms and legs!
with makena i could have bet serious money on the fact that she was a girl.  there was no doubt in my mind.  this time i have NO idea and its killing me! if you know me at all you know i have zero patience.  when my doctor asked if i was having morning sickness with this one i said, "no throwing up like i did with makena" and he responded by saying, "sounds like a boy!" i guess only time will tell.  he said he would take a guess at my next appointment which is at 15 weeks but it turns out i will be seen by the other doctor so i have no clue if she will try and find out.  if not i think i'll dish out the $50 to go get an elective ultrasound done.  i really want to know before xmas for some reason.

wow, i just scrolled up and realized that was a lot of info.  sorry if it got boring, i promise to follow up with some yummy foods or cute crafts next :)

i'm happy to be back and am excited to share my journey.  makena is going to be the BEST big sister. however, i don't think kona is amused that there will be ANOTHER baby to knock her down even lower on the totem pole.  i will leave you with a few pictures that i have refrained from posting before i announced. 

11 weeks and already looking like i'm 20. i'm gonna be huge...again. oy.
happy saturday! go penn state!

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