Sunday, November 17, 2013

future tv reality stars. HA!

we had a good weekend. the temperature managed to drop more 20 degrees in just two days and we got to enjoy a 60 degree, rainy day.  we threw makena's rain coat on and let her go explore in the rain for the first time.  she loved it..

Instead of staying inside all day, we decided to be spontaneous and head up the mountain to big bear to meet up with some friends who were there for the weekend.  i have to admit, jon and i are usually pretty bad about doing things like this.  makena isn't the worlds best napper to begin with, so to throw her schedule off usually results in a cranky, messed up day.  and she's not usually your standard kid who falls asleep in the car.  but anyways, we still decided to go.  we literally live at the base of the mountain, so why wouldn't we go?  it took us a little over an hour to get there and thankfully makena DID fall asleep in the car for 45 minutes.  must have been those windy turns.  (the same turns that made me feel really pukey when i usually LOVE switchbacks.....damn pregnancy). 

we met up with everyone, checked out a few shops, and then went out to eat.  good times catching up with some of (mainly) jon's old friends and met some new people too.  as we were about to leave, i had my eye on the fudge shop across the way.  we said goodbye to everyone else and headed out. 

as we approached the candy store, we saw a camera crew standing outside interviewing a couple.  we had no idea what it was for, but we just wanted to get inside the shop and they were blocking the entrance.  we kinda stood there waiting for them to be done and all of a sudden the "host" turns to us and starts asking us all these questions, with a microphone over our heads and about 5 different cameras in our face. 

here's why it was a terrible situation:

1. he starts asking us questions about if we have anyone to watch makena for 5 days.  um what?

2. we managed to make it through the whole interview having NO idea what this was for

he asked us if we were adventurous and we basically said, not right now since i'm pregnant. and then the guy goes, ok i'm gonna list off a bunch of activities and you tell me if you can do them while pregnant. skydiving? no. kickboxing? no. mixed martial arts? no.

turns out he is the host of a show on the travel channel called trip flip and he was interviewing people for a chance to win a 5 day planned vacation.  well, needless to say we are not gonna win hahahaha. we gave the WORST answers and it was quite embarrassing.  next time, tell us who the heck you are and why these questions are being asked before you roll the cameras.  tune in sometime next spring for this humiliating broadcast.

we got home around 5:30 so i needed to come up with a quick meal.  decided to go with one of our household staples, linguine and clams.  i can't remember if i've posted about this before but i'm too lazy to look.  even if i did, i've altered the recipe. its super simple and goes like this:

-2 cans of chopped or minced clams (be sure to save the juice)
-1 stick of butter
-half an onion, diced
-juice of half a lemon
-3 cloves of garlic, minced
-1/2 cup chopped, fresh parsley
-3/4 tsp salt
-1/2 tsp pepper
-1 16 oz package of luinguine, cooked al dente
-grated parmesan cheese to sprinkle on top

1. cook pasta according to package instructions

2. melt better and saute onions and garlic until transparent.  add clams, juice, parsley, salt and pepper and heat through

3. combine and sprinkle parm on top

serve with some garlic toast, obviously :)  simple as that!

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