Thursday, June 20, 2013

i'm back! i think.

well, its been 8 months since my last post and in that time a lot of things have happened:
-my baby became a toddler
-i have a new niece
-i moved from georgia to redlands, ca
-i have a new future sister-in-law
-other awesome things i'm sure i'm forgetting

i've realized that i post WAY too many pictures and updates on facebook and instagram, as if people are actually interested in my every move.  this way, i feel a tiny bit better about posting an absurd amount of baby and food pictures, and constant updates on my vegetable garden.  it's your own damn fault if you're stuck here reading this, you clicked on the link by your own free will! sucka!

anyway, i'll keep it short and sweet. i hope i'm here to stay.  this weeks line-up looks like this:
-lots of healthy recipes
-even more pictures of my ridiculously adorable child
-the latest on my tomatoes. you can skip that part, i know i'm the only one who cares :)

good to be back my friends. i leave you with tomorrow's breakfast.

Green Monster Spinach Smoothie:

-1 frozen sliced banana (slice BEFORE you freeeze)
-1 T peanut butter
-1/2 cup 0% Vanilla Greek Yogurt (I use plain cause its what I have)
-1 cup unsweetened soy milk
-4 cups baby spinach

-Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth

ok who am i kidding? i can't not post pix.  today (future) auntie cindy came to redlands to visit. here's a plethora of pix in case you missed them all over facebook and instagram.

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