Thursday, June 27, 2013

it's really not that hard.

i'm fully aware that all of my writing is lower cased. i actually have to force my auto correct to let that happen, which is why it baffles my mind that people can get these wrong so often. i'm no english major and i'm sure you will be able to find 5-10 grammatical errors in this post alone but the following typos make me cray cray. it's like schools don't even teach this anymore. ok rant over. 
i think i blame facebook. it seems like people became dumber once we started using it, myself included haha. 

anyway, here's the recipe I talked about last time. it was decent. I suggest doubling the "dressing" and also adding some additional salt and seasoning. otheriwse it's good and makes for a healthy side dish. 
i'm too lazy tonight to type it all out so i've taken a picture. enjoy.

and of course here's some ridiculously cute pictures of my child. who, by the way, stood unassisted by herself for the very first time today for a good ten seconds!!! proud mama.

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