Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Makena's Milestones. 3 Months.

I would have posted this yesterday, but apparently Makena was very excited about her "birthday" the night before that she was up drinking all night.  Lush. 

I consider this blog to sort of be her virtual baby book.  A place I can look back and reference things she started doing and when.  So this post is dedicated to all of Makena's firsts up to this point.

She hasn't been weighed or measured since she was 10 weeks but if I were to guess, I would say she's close to 13 pounds and around 23 1/2 inches long. 

She hasn't rolled over yet, but shes pretty close.  Once a big fan of tummy time, she has decided that being on her stomach is now frustrating and gets worked up after a few minutes.  She has a super strong neck and can hold it all the way up and prop up on her 2 hands to see in front of her.  Little Super Baby!
I'd guess she will roll over within the next few weeks or month. 

She eats about 24 ounces a day on average, give or take a few.  She kinda stinks when it comes to naps.  Its almost as if she has newborn tendencies for sleeping during the day.  She can only stay awake for an hour to 1.5 hrs tops, but then will only nap for 45 minutes.  I think she may be "behind" in her nap patterns for her age because she never got consistent naps when experiencing bad reflux, so its like shes catching up now.

As for bedtime, we usually go for a family walk around the neighborhood at 8ish, bath around 8:30 and pjs and bottle right after that.  She falls asleep around 9:15-9:30.  Her internal clock is still telling her that this is a nap, even though shes bedtime tired.  When she wakes up around 10, I usually top her off with a light feeding or just rock her back to sleep.  She then sleeps til 3-4, eats and then goes back to bed til we wake her up between 9-9:30am.  Can't complain!

She's in 3-6 month clothes, its crazy how fast she is growing and how quickly she outgrows things!  All these outfits we bought for the summer and gonna be too small halfway through!

Her cry has gone from a newborn cry to a baby cry.  She can definitely belt it if shes upset.  The nice thing is she already knows how to self soothe.  Sometimes we will miss her tired window by a few minutes and she'll cry when we put her down, but it only takes her 5-10 minutes to calm down and put herself to sleep.

She DEFINITELY knows who her parents are.  It is so precious.  Whenever we walk into her room to get her up from a nap, she hears our voice and lights up.  She giggles, belly laughs and smiles non-stop.  So fun!

No sign of any teeth popping through yet, but I still think she is starting to teethe.  She drools a ton and is always chewing on her hand.  We shall see!

I guess that's it for now!  She's officially off the Zantac and so far so good! WOO!  I love that baby girl SO much!

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