Friday, May 18, 2012

3 months. Praise God.

I can't believe my baby girl will be 3 months old on the 22nd.  These past 3 months have both flown by, and dragged at the same time.  Those days where her reflux would be out of control seemed to feel like an eternity, but having to "retire" baby clothes almost every week makes it all feel like its going too fast.  God has a perfect concept of time, because as hard as the bad days were, I'm grateful for the amount of hours in the day to soak up all her baby-ness :)

Her last check-up was a day before she turned 10 weeks old, even though it was considered her 2 month appointment.  She was 12 lbs 5 oz, 23 inches long and growing on a perfect curve.  She is in the 75th percentile for each category.  I dragged Jon along because I knew a well check-up meant shots.  Shots haven't ever really bothered me until I got pregnant and had a whopping 17 viles of blood taken over the course of 2 days in my first trimester.  That and having to give myself a painful shot every day for 6 weeks post partum has made me a little leery.  Also, fact that you have to pin their arms and legs down breaks my heart, so I of course made Jon do it while I waited outside.

Since the meds have kicked in, we have actually started to establish a schedule of sorts! And if you know me at all, this has been something I've been dying to start.  She was notorious for going to bed super late, past midnight.  Even though Jon and I like to stay up late, this was pushing it even for us, plus we didn't get any time to ourselves.  We've started waking her up earlier and earlier everyday and last night she went down at a record time of 9:45pm!  She did wake up at 10:30 but we fed her a little and she fell back asleep until 5, where she ate again and went back to bed til we woke her up at 9am.  She's a great sleeper, gotta love it.  She's even starting a pattern with naps during the day.  She only sleeps for 45 minutes (almost perfectly to the minute) but goes down 1:15-1:30 minutes after she wakes up.  Another huge milestone is that I've started to venture out into public! She hates being strapped down in her carseat so I hated going anywhere.  I've tried my carriers (the ergo, beco and moby wrap) but she doesn't like to be facing inward.  I'm all about the proper support for both mommy and baby and that's why I've spent a LOT of money on these nice carriers but what I've realized is that she wants to be facing outward to see everything.  We gave in and bought an infantino carrier for $40 so she can face out and it is a GODSEND! Sure, it hurts my back a little, but that's a small price to pay for a quiet and content baby in public.  This week I've been able to go to the grocery store, Costco and Wal-Mart with a perfectly happy little girl.  Hallelujah!

That's it for now, she will be waking up any minute now.  The gummy smile I get when I walk in to her room makes me look forward to nap time being over :)  Tomorrow we are going to a friends house to spend the day at the pool.  I'll have to post after with pictures of our beach babe and her new swimsuit :)  Happy Weekend everyone!
I can SEE the WORLD!

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