Friday, July 8, 2011

the results are in.

yesterday was easily one of the most nerve-wracking days of my life.  i woke up way earlier than i wanted to and then just had to wait. and wait. and wait. 11:30 am seemed like it was never gonna approach.  [without grossing anyone out, i was overly freaked out that morning because i had some spotting the night before.  never a great sign. especially when it was my first sign of m/c last time.]

we get to the doctor 15 minutes early and they didn't call me in until 40 minutes after my appt was supposed to start. awesome.  i was sweating and once i heard...."kristen smith", i started shaking.  so thankful that my husband was there.  they took me back for an u/s and i undressed as fast as i could.  i laid down on the table and turned my head away from the computer.  i told the nurse i couldn't look until she told me she saw a heartbeat.  the next 20 seconds felt like an ETERNITY!  she wasn't saying anything so finally i was like, "ok is everything okay???".  i turned my head and there it was. a beautiful little tadpole with a perfect little flicker of a heartbeat.  you could distinguish the head from the little worm body (that doesn't have arms and legs yet).  she said our little peach has a great, healthy heartbeat of 133 beats per minute.  she even turned on the audio and we got to hear it! so amazing, i definitely wasn't expecting that.  i asked again if everything looks normal to her and she said, "the baby is measuring exactly on track at 7 weeks and the heartbeat is great, but i'm a little concerned about this".  she pointed to an area above the sac that looks like a bunch of little bubbles.  she said she's not fully convinced but it COULD be the start of a partial molar pregnancy.  i'm refusing to look this up online because i know it's bad.  basically it could mean another m/c. freaking a are we ever gonna just get GOOD news?! but i wasn't gonna let this bring me down.

we grabbed our one and only picture of our perfect little fighter baby and headed back to the waiting room.  i got called back in and got more pokes and prods than i was expecting!  a shot in the butt because of the spotting and being rh-, a pap (i'll leave it at that to spare the people that don't know what it is), a booby feel-up, AND 9 more tubes of blood drawn.

and now for the results of the factor v leiden.  i still don't fully understand it, but basically i tested positive.  what this means is, i have to see a high-risk ob for the rest of this pregnancy and any one to come.  they also tested me for factor 2 and some other blood disorders.  as far as the "bubbling", my doctor said she is cautiously optimistic about this baby and so are we.

my next u/s is on monday with the high-risk ob. i will also learn what we need to do to treat the fv.  from what i understand, i may have to give myself a shot in the leg everyday. awesome.  then a week from monday is another u/s at my regular doctor.

talk about an adventure.  we love this baby so much already.  jon and i both got emotional when we saw and heard that amazing heartbeat.  please be strong baby.  i will do whatever it takes to bring you into this world healthy and safe. we love you.

our perfect little worm :)

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