Monday, July 11, 2011

damn you tv commercials!

i'll start off with some good news. GOOD NEWS! no bad news. nope, not today. it's a good day.

i had my appt with the high risk o.b. this morning.  i wasn't too sure what to expect other than another ultrasound.  the waiting time was a grand total of 3 minutes which was AWESOME.  i went straight to the ultrasound and she actually used the doppler this time.  you know...warm jelly on the belly.  that little flicker never gets old.  at 7 weeks 4 days, our baby's heartbeat went from 133 bpm (at 7 wks) to 156 bpm today.  grow baby grow! and the little peach is a whole centimeter long haha.  she also did a.....we'll call it "internal"......ultrasound.  she was digging all around in there. not an enjoyable feeling.  as far as the "bubbling' goes, the tech mentioned nothing about it.  i brought it up and she said she didn't see it, that it could have just been a bowel. gross. but awesome.  then the new doctor came in.  a guy this time.  i felt a little vulnerable considering i'm meeting this stranger while laying on a table with a thin sheet to cover myself.  it's kind of like, hello sir.  here's my va-jay! why is that ok?? hahaha. luckily he didn't have to take a look for himself.  he went over everything about the factor v leiden and made it much easier to understand.

7 wks. these will be a lot more exciting when something actually happens.

basically i inherited the gene from one parent, not both.  i have a 50% chance of passing it on.  since i have no personal history of blood clotting, i will not need to give myself shots daily.  i will, however, have to get them 18-24 hours after i give birth and for 6 weeks to follow.  fine by me!  during the pregnancy i will just continue to take a low-dose aspirin to thin my blood.  i don't have to see the high risk o.b. again until i'm 19 weeks.

what a glorious day!!!!

as far as morning sickness and symptoms go, it's been pretty consistent.  since about 6 1/2 weeks i've felt queasy on and off all day.  i've learned that i have to constantly have something in my stomach.  but the problem is, so many foods gross me out.  the only thing i ever want is whatever i see on a damn commercial! and let me tell you, man vs. food should make me wanna vomit, but 9 times out of 10 i want whatever he's eating.  needless to say i've been eating pretty crappy.  i haven't craved one certain thing yet, but i have wanted random stuff like applesauce, popsicles, ice cream, pickles (normal), etc.  as long as i can keep food down for now, i'm happy.  oh and my boobs kill.  you're welcome.

before church yesterday i made the mistake of taking both my baby aspirin and prenatal vitamin after only eating a banana.  jon almost had to pull over on the side of the freeway cause i was about to yak.  i don't know how i didn't.  church wasn't much better.  we had to sit in the back room right by the bathroom just in case.  the bright lights didn't help and i couldn't look up during all of worship but after that it was MUCH better.

ginger is my friend.  i was already obsessed but it helps with stomach aches.  even better.  ok i'm done.

i think i'm set.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know if you have one around there...but Trader Joe's has these amazing ginger chews.
