Thursday, July 21, 2011

Baby Grape.

i've managed to age and entire year since the last post.  i turned 25 a week ago, which means i have officially entered a new age bracket.  i now fit into the 25-49 range. eek.

a lot of positive things have happened in the last 2 weeks.

#1. i successfully made it to 8 weeks.  a milestone considering we weren't lucky enough to make it that far the first time around.

25th bday! 8 wks.

#2. i had yet another doctor's appt on monday.  they didn't do an u/s because everything was "perfect" at the high risk ob so there was no need.

#3. we got to finally break the news to our families!!

#4. bonus! i've now hit 9 weeks and am feeling pretty damn good.

i have to admit i was pretty pissed when they didn't do an u/s on monday.  i have been feeling "too good" lately. yes, i get it. i'm paranoid.  it comes with the territory ok?? but the doctor made me feel better.  i got back test results from more blood tests that they did.  negative on factor 2! woo hoo! this confirms i won't need shots until after the baby arrives.  i even got the okay to start working out again.

on monday afternoon i sent my mom a text that said, "i think i might be pregnant..."
i was hoping she would fall right into the trap and say, "why do you think that?". but instead she goes, "what??? AHHHH!", then proceeds to call me right away. no no no mom this is not how i planned it!! haha. so i of course rejected the call and sent her a picture of the u/s and said, "what do you think?". she kept me on my toes by not responding for what felt like 45 minutes because she was painting in a different room.  finally we got to talk and it was so wonderful.  felt so good to tell her and celebrate together.  she was of course surprised to hear of the roller coaster ride we have already experienced with this pregnancy and blood work, etc.  i followed that fun phone call with some texts to the siblings and ended the night with a talk with my daddio.  jon got to inform his dad that now all of his kids are pregnant at the same time (rachel is pregnant too! due 3 weeks before us!).

as of today our baby is the size of a grape.  measuring about an inch long.  don't get me wrong, i appreciate the fruit and veggie comparisons.  it really is a great visual....until you are juicing grapes and feel just plain cruel. 

sorry baby.
i thought that our big reveal to the family would curb my desire to spill the beans, but instead it just made me more anxious to tell everyone.  i can't wait to go home in a week and a half and start sharing our wonderful news!

9 wks.

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