Friday, July 29, 2011

Grab Bag.

this entry will contain a lot of random and unrelated info.

first off, i want to announce that my fourth nephew, isaiah christopher smith has made his arrival!  he was born on july 27th at 5:18pm and weighed a whopping 9lbs 6oz!  my superwoman sister-in-law popped him out after pushing for a grand total of 18 minutes.  total labor? 5 hours.  wow, talk about setting the bar pretty dang high kimmy!  and to top it all off, she did it all natural.  my hero.  he is perfect and beautiful and looks just like a marr (kim's family).  instantly i could see her dad and even matthew (and jon)'s dad in him.  mama (and daddy) and baby are all doing GREAT and will get to go home today.
meet isiah christopher :)
perfect little family.

next topic. puke.
the other day (9 weeks 6 days) we woke up and headed downstairs.  jon had to leave for work pretty quick so he asked me to make him breakfast.  i was feeling a little queasy but thought i could handle it if i didn't inhale too much.  well as i start making his eggs, i couldn't help but gag. after the third gag i knew where this was headed.  i ran to the bathroom and puked.  whats gross though is that there was nothing in my stomach.  so it was one of those wonderful bile throw-ups.  eww ok that's enough i'm gonna gag again just thinking about it.  but whats weird is that this was the first time i've thrown up! usually this is around the time where i start feeling better.  oh well, i can't complain.  i was worried when my symptoms started going away so i welcome sure signs of pregnancy.  my dad even told me he was praying for nausea. haha thanks dad! i informed him he can cool it a little after i puked.  lesson learned?  have food on my nightstand to eat right when i wake up before i get out of bed.  its helped.  i still gag at nasty smells (hot stale trash in our garage bleh) but the puking so far has been a one-time thing.

as of yesterday i am officially 10 weeks! amazing!  this is an exciting week because not only have all the major organs formed, but it begins the fetal period.  our baby is no longer an embryo but a fetus.  hey, its the little things ok?  also the baby is now the size of a kumquat (whatever that is) and about an inch and a half long.  i'm happy to also announce i haven't gained any weight yet. score! there's really no reason to gain in the first trimester since our baby weighs a fraction of an ounce.
10 wks. i wish i could say this is a baby bump but i'm pretty sure it's just baby bloat. relaxed shot not flexing though. might as well be honest!

have any of you heard of linea negra?  it's that line that some pregnant women get on their belly that usually runs from their belly button downward.  usually it shows up during the second or third trimester (if at all).  well lucky me has seen a faint line since week 7. dang i was hoping for no line but oh well.  i guess you are more likely to get it if you are tan and spend time in the sun. (me.) it would be more exciting if there was actually a belly for it to trail down, but no. for now its just a random faint line down my non-cute-non-existent-pregnant-lady-belly.

so last night jon and i went to a rascal flatts concert (courtesy of the barrel room management as a going away gift in feb).  we had lawn seats which are always fun!  well don't get me wrong, we had fun....but we also had a horrible time.  first of all we get there early to tailgate. yes, the two of us.  i immediately noticed we were much older than the average person there.  surrounded by teenagers and college students who were "secretly" trying to get away with drinking. jon enjoyed a few beers and i kept fighting back the vomit i felt coming while trying to get down an gyro. it sucks to be the sober one at a concert. anyway, we found a seat and sat down on our cute little blanket and immediately started sweating.  it was way too hot.  justin moore came on, then easton corbin.  they both did a great job and surprisingly it started raining.  this was actually welcome since it was so hot but needless to say our "seats" got soaked.  my patience level is apparently at an all time low right now, because every time some drunk, disrespectful teenager stepped right on our blanket i became infuriated.  i mean it seriously pissed me off.  i kept having to tell myself to calm down and jon just sympathetically let me be annoyed.  anyway, after sara evans performed (she has perfect legs) i decided it was probably a good time for me to go pee.  i take a mental note of where our stuff is and head to the (hot and stuffy) women's bathroom.  i come back and start weaving through the massive crowd of people back to jon.  i get completely lost.  i have not only no idea where he is but now i don't even know where i am.  i start slightly freaking out.  then, the lights turn off and it goes pitch black.  rascal flatts comes on.  crap.  i try calling him and when i could actually get service, his phone just rang and rang.  i sent multiple text messages and i kept searching.  now about to cry, i run out of ideas.  i can't see anything.  i walked back down to the stairs and crouched down and cried (i'm an emotional wreck, give me a break).  finally, a good 30+ minutes later, i get a text from a random number asking me where i am.  i tell this strange number my exact location and finally jon came and got me.  i proceeded to cry some more and even have a mini panic attack.  turns out his phone died and after i didn't show up he went searching for me.  ugh that was awful  i almost just said, let's go home.  but i manned up and we headed back to our soaked blanket and trampling feet.  there was a kid smoking weed directly behind us and my [amazing] husband turned around and told him he needs to smoke somewhere else because his wife is pregnant. i love him. :) overall we actually did have a good time.  rascal killed it and put on an always great performance.  and although there were definite downsides, we enjoyed ourselves and want to send an extra thank you shout out to tbr!

next topic. i'm employed! (i apologize for the world's longest blog entry).
i got a nanny position for a local christian family.  it's perfect for me and i am so excited about it.  this family has 3 kids of their own and are about to adopt their first.  the birth mom is due august 29th and lives in texas.  my job will basically be to "play mom" during the time lauri (the mom) goes to get the baby and has to deal with all the legal paperwork and other stuff.  i will be there at 6:30am (holy crap) until 6:30pm for about 2 weeks.  then, when the mom gets back with the new baby, my job will change to about two days a week.  i will watch the baby and 2-year old so lauri can run errands, help out in her daughter's classroom, etc.  it is ideal for me and they are such a wonderful family.  god hooked it up.  what a blessing.

lastly (hooray, i know)....i'm going home tomorrow! AMEN!! i am overjoyed about this trip.  i get to meet isaiah, share our wonderful news AND eat tons of amazing southern california food that i have been deprived of out here in georgia.  i probably won't post again until i get back and i will apologize in advance because i'm sure it will be another long one.  i can't stop thinking about in-n-out, el cotixan, pat & oscars, bj's, the barrel room and urge.  i'm gonna come back fat.

happy friday world! and praise the lord for constant good news and new milestones! :)

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