Friday, July 8, 2016

An Oily Picture Story

Yesterday I decided to document a typical day in the life of me and my YL oil/product choices. Obviously each day is different, so my selections vary according to my mood or activity. What's your daily regimen? 

Started by diffusing Clarity and Lemon
Had my Ningxia Red shot, Longevity and Digest & Cleanse capsules followed by a light breakfast. 
Brushed my teeth and used my Thieves mouthwash. Everyone NEEDS these two things in their lives. 
Rolled some of my energy blend on my feet and the back of my neck and laced up my new nikes. Did a quick 30 minute workout. 
Used my ART skin care system to wash, tone and moisturize my face (which ended up being slightly pointless and you'll see why in a second). 
 My kids begged me to take them to the pool, so I caved. Made sure to put on my Oola hat and apply some Oola balance, because taking a 2 year old who can't swim and a 4 year old who is mediocre at swimming to the pool alone is no easy feat! 
Ate lunch at the pool, came home and put kids down for naps and opened up my French Aromatherapy book by Jen O'Sullivan to the water recipes page and picked the "Candy Cane" aka weight loss trio combo. Gotta stay hydrated!

Diffused some Brain Power and Highest Potential in my office while I worked to help me stay focused and on task. 
This is another must have. Thieves Household Cleaner. You can use it on everything! I wiped down my kitchen before I made dinner and then again after. I also love the Fruit & Veggie Wash and Thieves Hand Soap to have readily available in the kitchen. 
After dinner the whole family went outside to enjoy the amazing temps and an ice cold Blue Moon with Orange oil (Popsicles for the kids lol). Yummmm.
Put the kiddos to bed. This is my go-to combo for Makena's room since she has night terrors. I usually include original Peace & Calming but I just ran out :( Jon and I enjoyed a movie and headed to bed. 
I've been taking Alkalime before bed to help neutralize my body's PH levels. High levels of acid can cause illness and bad dreams so I like to take it right before I go to sleep.
My bedtime diffuser combo always changes. This was on the menu last night.
Lastly I took my Life 5 probiotic and hit the hay!! And there you have it! 

ALsO: for those of you who are members but aren't doing Essential Rewards yet, now is the month to start! On top of all the other perks, you'll get 5 free bottles of oils with a 190pv purchase. For new ER members only.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Oil of the Week: Eucalyptus Globalus

In the awesome oil education group I'm in on Facebook, they have started to do an oil of the week and I love this idea! So I'm going to copy the info and post it here every week for my followers to read. If you'd like to be added to Apothecary Society, let me know! 

Oil of the Week:

Eucalyptus, It’s a scary word to some! Whenever we talk oil safety, that particular oil comes up because of its camphor notes. DO NOT FEAR! Let’s make this bad boy a little less intimidating and talk about how wonderful this oil is. 

Geologically the gum tree started in Tasmania and Australia and spread. The Aussies were the first to figure out that this plant was way more than just a fast growing tree, the aborigines would use it to bind up serious wounds, expediting the healing process. Eucalyptus Globulus in particular is a variety that is made up of 80% 1,8 cineol constituent that supports the respiratory system. The remaining large chunk of constituents belong to several monoterpenes, most of which have an affinity for the muscular system. Eucalyptus is also an absorption enhancer, a study was conducted on a topical drug combined with eucalyptus, the epidermal penetration rate increased 30 fold! 

Here are some great ways to use Eucalyptus: 
-Soak your dishcloths in some water and a few drops of Eucalyptus, it will de-funk them! 
-If you have a steam mop, add a few drops to the bottom of the pad, it will do your nostrils a service and bid those germs on the floor farewell. 
-Make a hot compress with it, take a bowl of warm water and add 5 drops of Eucalyptus, put a towel in the bowl, wring out the towel and put it on your chest or back. With its love for the respiratory and muscular systems it will be SO SOOTHING to someone with the crud. 

A bit of safety info, if you are applying to kids please make sure to dilute, because of its eucalyptol (1,8 cineol) content it may be a little intense. If someone ingests a little on accident don’t freak out! Some aromatherapists actually allow their clients to ingest this oil under careful supervision. It would take anywhere from 30 to 250 drops of Eucalyptus to even be in the danger zone for possible poisoning. See? That wasn't so scary!

Also, this oil is being given away for FREE this month with qualifying orders of 190pv or more. It's a 15ml bottle which contains 250-300 drops. Score!

Photo credit and info credit given to Team Spark and Apothecary Society

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

new name. new amazing offer!

let's just be real for a second.  this blog started off as my pregnancy journal.  i wrote in it before i announced my pregnancy with makena, and continued to do so after i announced it publicly.

it then turned into a baby pictures and recipes blog.

and now? its oily.

i wanted the domain name to match the content.  (its also the name of my oil infused natural products for new moms line). its been fun to have this blog evolve with me over the last 5 years.

i still intend to post the occasional recipe and i'll never be able to resist posting pictures of my adorable kids (see: my facebook page).  but i will mainly continue to use this as just one of my many oil resources.

i battle with myself constantly over my posts on facebook that are oil related.  my passion for these oils and products is HUGE and we talk about what we love right?  but i never want to feel like i'm annoying my friends, or coming across as salesy.  so i find a blog to be a "happy medium" in a sense.  sure, i will still post about oils (maybe more than you would like) on my fb page, but this blog is a choice haha. you've clicked this link to read more, nobody made you do it. i can rest assured that i'm not pressuring you :)

that being said, i want to launch the new blog name, Naturally Infused, by offering a personalized kit to NEW MEMBERS.  as some of you may remember, i posted a few months back about my top 20 oils.  you can read part 1 here, and part 2 here

well, this month only, i'm offering a tailor-made "Kristen Kit".  in this kit you not only get a premium starter kit (which is 10% off all month!!) but you will get almost all of my TOP 20 oils/products and you'll spend less than $400 for EVERYTHING.

sounds like a lot of money, i know. don't get scared yet.  i'm gonna break it down for you and you'll see why this is an amazing deal...

for $392.11 (this is the final price, it includes shipping and tax fees) you will get ALL of this:

-1 dewdrop diffuser
-5ml frankincense
-5ml thieves
-5ml lemon
-5ml stress away
-5ml panaway
-5ml lavender
-5ml purification
-5ml peppermint
-5ml digize
-5ml copaiba
-5ml rc
-5ml patchouli
-15ml wintergreen
-5ml joy
-15ml ylang ylang
-5ml grapefruit vitality
-5ml motivation
-5ml white angelica
-15ml cedarwood
-5ml gentle baby
-5ml orange vitality
-5ml valor
-5ml peace & calming
-5ml oregano vitality
-15ml lemongrass
-14.4oz thieves household cleaner

-2 2-oz packets ningxia red
-glass sample drams
-empty capsules
-empty roller bottle
-lip balm
-empty dropper bottle
-empty spray bottle
-full size look book
-12 day new kit challenge postcard
-access to apothecary society, an amazing oil education facebook group
-access to my members only monthly newsletter, full of recipes, incentives and oil education

i didn't include idaho balsam fir or dream catcher in this kit, because i mainly only use dc for makena's night terrors and its a pricey oil.  its amazing but i don't think everyone NEEDS it. same with idaho balsam fir.

to put this into perspective, the premium starter kit alone (first 12 items listed) is valued at over $300.  also notice that some of the bottles are 15ml (250ish drops).  you will be set for a LONG time.  and every item in this "kristen kit" are the things i can't live without. 

to recap: you get 26 oils, a diffuser, an entire bottle of thieves household cleaner, 20 rewards points to put toward free stuff and a full welcome pack of oil accessories and samples.  you also will receive my members only monthly newsletter.   all of this stuff if worth over $800, and you're getting it for less than half of that. 

on top of all this, you become a wholesale member of YL which means nothing more than you get to order your future oils for 24% cheaper than a retail customer would. 

seriously, now is the time.  you've been thinking about it and debating. and i hope whoever is reading this knows me enough to know that i'm 100% real about this stuff.  i believe it in. i'm passionate.  they work!  see what i'm talking about.  message me or email me at

also check out my oil website at

thanks for supporting me and letting me be your oil guide :) xoxo, kristen

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

o: an exciting oily announcement!!

Hey Guys,

I have some really exciting news to share with you when it comes to the young living oily world!

Young Living has just launched a New Vitality line of oils!

"After months of work behind the scenes, we’re thrilled to introduce our Vitality dietary essential oil line, which includes some of our best-loved dietary essential oils now labeled for internal use! This exciting new line brings with it new opportunities to share Young Living essential oils in more ways, with more people than ever.

At 12 p.m., MT, on January 18, we debuted our Vitality dietary essential oil line, which includes 27 pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. With the same high-quality essential oil you rely on in every bottle, the Vitality dietary essential oil line has new item numbers and new names. With four distinct categories—Herb, Spice, Citrus, and Supplement—we invite you to explore Vitality dietary essential oils. For food, for family, for life.

With the launch of this new line, we now have more freedom to discuss and share all Young Living essential oils as topical/aromatic and Young Living’s Vitality dietary essential oils for internal use.

This new release is really exciting for us as distributors! As you might know, the FDA only allows the labeling of oils to be either Aromatic, Topical or Dietary. If it is labeled dietary it cannot also be labeled as topical. The reason is that according to the FDA when something is labeled as topical it fits into the same category as a perfume. You cannot eat perfume (or shouldn't) therefore the reasoning that they cannot be labeled together. When the FDA tightened their fists on the essential oil industry last summer, it forced Young Living to make a choice as to how they would label their oils.
Some oils such as Thieves were relabeled as a dietary supplement. This meant that we as distributors, when we talked about Thieves in a public setting could not refer to diffusing it or putting it on our kids feet. The labels made a big difference in how we could talk about how we use oils in public (aka social media).

Well, now we can! Young Living listened to us and repackaged 27 of our favorite oils as specifically dietary supplements. They are NOT new formulations of the oils. They are purely a repackage with a new SKU so that we can legally talk about using oils in more than one way (according to the FDA guidelines).

They are the same wonderful oils that we have always enjoyed, but now they just have a new labeling and "name". This is a little loop hole of sorts and I personally and SOOO excited about it!

More info on the Vitality line:

Because of this exciting debut, I've created a new custom essential oils VITALITY kit which includes a whopping 34 oils and a diffuser! It is $760 worth of oils all for only $360.50! I cannot wait to share this gift with you!!! Here is what you get:

15mL Lemon
15mL Tangerine
15mL Grapefruit
15mL Orange
15mL Lime
15mL Lemongrass
15mL Cedarwood
15mL Wintergreen
15mL Oregano
15mL Clove
5mL Valor
5mL Jade Lemon
5mL Spearmint
5mL Black Pepper

1 Dewdrop Diffuser
5mL Copaiba
5mL DiGize
5mL Frankincense
5mL Lavender
5mL Lemon
5mL PanAway
5mL Peppermint
5mL Purification
5mL RC
5mL Stress Away
5mL Thieves
Plus several extra goodies and samples!

15mL Peppermint
15mL Rosemary
5ml Northern Lights Black Spruce (one of my all time faves!)
5mL Pine
5mL Idaho Blue Spruce (this will rock your world!)

Pretty ridiculously awesome.  If one of your New Years Resolutions was to take charge of your health naturally, this is THE place to start.  Message me on Facebook to get hooked up :)

OH! Last thing.  All of these new Vitality oils come in 5ml bottles, so you can get them for super cheap!  Add a few to your ER order if you are already member and are wanting to try some new ones.  Check out 10 of them that are under $10!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

k: elias' eyes.

this little man is such blessing, and a walking miracle if you ask me. 

almost 18 months ago, we were trying to come to terms with the fact that our baby might have terrible vision. that was the easy part of the unknown.  we were told there's a chance he could have something called optic nerve hypoplasia, a neurological disorder which could equate to mild to severe disabilities.  his optic nerves were almost non-existent, they were so small.  this possible onh diagnosis was on top of the infantile nystagmus and fovea hypoplasia diagnosis we had already received.  our heads were spinning. 

i started noticing around two and a half months that elias wasn't making eye contact with me, or anyone.  he looked as though he was looking around, but he never ever locked eyes with you.  and then i noticed the bouncing.  his eyes would bounce rapidly back and forth, almost all the time.  it was scary and i had that sinking feeling in my mommy gut telling me this probably wasn't good.

i will never forget when he saw his first pediatric ophthalmologist at only 3 months old. it was just me at the appointment, and when the nurse/assistant/tech/whatever that person is called came in and started doing tests on him, i knew he was failing every single one of them.  bright flashing lights being moved in front of his face, to the side, up and down......and nothing.  i saw the guy write the words "fail to..." and "very poor..." on elias' charts.  that was a terrible, terrible feeling.  the doctor came in and did all the same tests and looked far into the backs of his eyes and that's when she told me the news.  she said we would need to do an mri to see if his brain is normal.  she apologized that this was how things were looking.

oh my gosh. now don't get me wrong, things can always be SO much worse and i'm aware that this wasn't a life-threatening diagnosis. but for a second i could get a glimpse of how parents who are dealing with something so awful felt.  a tiny glimpse, a taste of it.  a taste i hope to never experience again.  makes my heart ache to think about parents of small children with cancer or other terminal illnesses or crippling disabilities.  i felt instant guilt.  guilt over the fact that jon got his boy, who he's been so excited to teach sports to and how to drive a car/quad/truck/etc. now it seemed as though none of those things were in his future.  guilt over the comments kids were gonna make. but the one that kept playing in my mind was the day he comes to me crying and says, "mommy why am i so different than other kids? why can't i play sports or read a book or do a puzzle?"

what's really scary and crazy, looking back now, is that they even got us in touch with a woman who would come to our home and basically teach us how to have a blind or mentally handicapped child.  that's where we thought this was going.

we did all we knew how to do, and that was pray.  and it wasn't just jon and i praying. it was every single family member.  and our closest friends. and their prayer groups. and their churches. so many people praying for this baby they had never even met. 

and praise GOD, his mri came back normal.  we couldn't believe it. the PO was even surprised. 

within a few weeks, that sweet baby boy who always seemed to be looking in my direction while i nursed him, locked on to my eyes.  i thought i was dreaming. he locked on and he smiled. he smiled, i bawled. and then i started recording it with my phone camera, because i couldn't believe it was real.  a moment i will cherish for the rest of my life.

and that was just the beginning.

fast forward a few months. we started seeing a retina specialist and a new pediatric opthamologist at the shiley eye care center in san diego, one of the best eye centers in the country. over the few months between the mri and doctors appointments, he was improving by leaps and bounds.

at his 10 month appointment, he somehow even managed to make it onto the normal curve for vision for his age! the very very very very bottom, but hey, he was on there! the doctor said that we will continue to test him, and see if he just plateaus there, meaning his peers will continue to improve their vision and he wont, or if he will continually climb the charts.  his nystagmus was still present but seemed to be getting a little less dramatic.  his fovea hypoplasia was no longer, the retina specialist said he could now see pigment.  and though his optic nerves were still very small, onh was off the table and he was developing right on track physically and mentally.

what a sigh of relief.

well today was the next appointment.  this miracle baby was smack dab in the middle of the growth chart. the middle! un-freaking-believable.  the doctor came in and she was sooooo excited. not only that, but she said his nystagmus has improved greatly (which it has, his eyes hardly ever bounce anymore, and if they do it is super mild. most people don't even notice it.) to the point that he shouldn't need surgery to correct his null point.  she even told me that as it stands right now, he might not even need glasses. um WHAT?!?! my child? who was basically blind less than 18 months ago? no glasses?

so i said, what next? she says.....nothing. congratulations! 

we will now only be going once a year to just get a checkup and see how he continues to develop visually. 

the power of prayer, people.  this is how i know there is a god.  thank you jesus!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

o: last day to win a free oil! and it's a good one.

ok, this is it my friends. your last chance to win a free oil!  and i saved the best for last.  i need to hurry up and post this before i change my mind.  this 5ml bottle retails for $46.38 (plus shipping and tax) and i'm GIVING IT AWAY. 

you heard me, right? this little bottle is worth over $50, and it could be yours for free. 

today, since its the last day of my giveaway, i'm gonna change the game a little bit.  listen closely...

you can earn yet ANOTHER entry into the raffle if you are in the Facebook group i told you about, apothecary society.  best place ever to learn about these oils at your own pace with no sales talk or pressure. if you are already in the group, let me know and i'll add an extra entry for you.  if you aren't in the group, comment on my post and ask me to add you! easy peasy. 

so that's three chances to win. 
1. comment on my post
2. share the post
3. join apothecary society

ok so the last oil is PANAWAY!  this gem is a blend of wintergreen, helichrysum, clove and peppermint.  it smells like lifesaver mints to me, yummm. this oil is a godsend when it comes to all things pain.  i use it in a pain cream that i made and it does WONDERS.  here's a few ways to use it.

good luck! thanks so much for playing along this week!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

o:daaaaaaay 6 of free oils!

congrats to ariel francis for winning yesterday's orange oil! woop woop!

uh oh, tomorrow is the last day for your chance at a free oil!  not just any oil, these bad boys are 100% pure, therapeutic grade with so many medicinal qualities and they have been a game changer in my home.  a lot of people are skeptical of this giveaway i'm sure.  what's the catch?  honestly, there isn't one!  i've been blessed in this endeavor and i'm so ridiculously passionate about these oils that i'm just itching to get them into the hands of new people, skeptics and believers alike!  i promise i won't be pounding down your door trying to sell you anything.  sometimes i want to be obnoxious and overbearing, simply because i'm so eager to have everyone at least give them a try, but i try and refrain myself haha. the only thing i will do, is offer to get you added to an amazing facebook group that i'm in called apothecary society.  it's a group of 20,000 people who are interested in YL oils, are brand new to them, or are veterans.  it's an opportunity to learn soooo much great info and read testimonies and questions from oil users in a non-salesy way.  you can search topics (ex:migraine) and every thread with the word migraine will pop up.  you'll see which oils are working for some, and which oils aren't for others.  everyone's body chemistry is different, so we won't all have the same success from one specific oil.  in this group we can get ideas on what to try, and how to use them. 

ok i'm rambling.

day 6! 2 more chances to win!  today's oil issssss.....purification!! this little gem is a blend of citronella, rosemary, lemongrass, tea tree, lavandin and myrtle oil.  its stinking awesome <----pun intended.  this bad boy eliminates nasty odors.  i'm talking eliminate, not just mask!  i drop it onto a cotton ball and stick it in my son's diaper genie and it does wonders.  it has lots of other great uses too.  you can rub a drop on the outside of your throat when you have a sore throat, you can lather yourself in this during nasty mosquito season to avoid getting bit.  you can also add a few drops to your laundry that you accidentally let sit in your washer for 5 days. i NEVER do that, but you might.  i'm perfect at laundry and chores.  (convincing?) it will leave your clothes smelling fresh AND it can eliminate stains too!  oh and i've also heard it can do amazing things for pimples and blemishes.

good luck my friends.

i want to add one more thing.  i just wanna throw it out there that when i pick the winners, i am being 100% truthful!  no cheating i promise.  i know these are just words but i hope you choose to believe them :) xoxo

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

o:day 5 of my free oil giveaway!

Sorry this post is showing up so late in the happened.  And preschool. And rain. And Wal-Mart.  You know what hasn't happened though? Cleaning, and it needs to. Haha ok back on track...

Yesterday's winner was Rebecca Alden! She has been commenting and sharing posts each day and it paid off.  You could be next!  3 more chances to win. 

-non members only
-1 entry for a comment and 1 entry for sharing this post

Today's freebie is a 15ml bottle (the big one!) and is one of my must-haves.  I use it daily, even if just to flavor my water.  Orange!  It's a mood enhancer and it helps cover up a smell of an oil you aren't as fond of when diffusing.  This big bottle has close to 300 drops, so it will last you a LONG time! Good luck!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

o: day 4 of my oily giveaway!

wow, we are almost halfway through the week of free oils!  you still have 4 chances to win, and trust me all the oils are great!

congrats to Julie Ann Willard for winning yesterday's DiGize!

-sharing my post earns you an extra entry
-let me know if you'd like me to add you to AS, the most amazing yl oil resource on FB
-non-members only please

ok so day 4's oil is peppermint!  another staple in my house.  i just used it today in my water to help get rid of my headache.  it smells fantastic, and is an energizer. here's a few of its other benefits:

good luck my friends!

o: day 3 of free oils!

alrighty, day 3 here we go!

a few things to remember:
-this giveaway is for non-members only
-if we aren't friends on FB, send me a friend request so i can count your entry!
-if you share my post, you earn an additional entry into the raffle

also, i'm part of an amazing group on facebook called Apothecary Society.  It's the BEST resource when it comes to learning about young living oils at your own pace.  and what's nice is that there is never any sales talk or pressure.  you can search topics, ask questions or share your own testimonies.  or you can be like me in the beginning and just sit back, read and try and soak in all the great info.  i'd love to get you added to the group! we just need to be friends on FB and you'll need to sign a quick disclaimer saying you understand we aren't doctors (shocking, i know!). 

ok so today's oil isssssssssssss DIGIZE!! this oil is perfect for anything tummy. constipation, nausea, bloating, indigestion and even hiccups!  here's some more info on it.  not gonna lie, it doesn't smell all that great, but it does WONDERS. good luck!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

o: day two of free oils!

i think another name for new years day should be "most productive day of the year".  i woke up with my game face on, and knocked out a ton of things on my business to-do list.  the house was a disaster after christmas and being gone for almost a week, with clothes everywhere and dishes filling the sink.  with all the stuff i got done yesterday morning, i had zero intentions of tackling the mess until monday, but jon came to me and said....let's team up and clean like crazy. umm what? beautiful words coming from the mouth of a hubby. so we went on a cleaning frenzy! all the decorations are down, downstairs is spotless (even cleaned the OUTSIDE of the windows) and laundry is done.  feels so good. we then even went on a family walk/run.  and tomorrow starts round 2 of the 21 days fix. feeling GOOD!

ok now for the oil giveaway.  yesterday's grapefruit oil got snatched up by Tracy Bishop! Congrats Tracy! I tried to post the video in the comments but it only lets me post pix, so i'll try to put it in the post with this blog link.

today's oil is what we call the "swiss army knife of essential oils".  lavender. 

the uses are endless!  most people know of lavender as being a relaxer/sleep aid.  it is! but it does SO much more.  my top 3 uses are:
-adding a drop to my shampoo and mascara to promote hair growth and strength
-rubbing a drop down the bridge of your nose when its stuffy to stop the boogies
-easing discomfort on the skin from a burn, rash or dryness

here are some more uses. comment on my facebook post for your chance to win! the odds are good!

Friday, January 1, 2016

on the first day of giveaways...

happy new year!

one of my resolutions this year is to write more blog posts, so here i am.

i have a long list of goals this year, and one of those goals is to help even more people discover the amazing world of essential oils than i did last year.  it's been amazing to watch people naturally take charge of their health, including myself. i want to step it up even MORE.

so what better way to start off a new year than by giving away free stuff? i feel so blessed to have the knowledge and success in just one year that i do with these oils so i want to spread the love. i wanna get them in the hands of as many people as possible so that you have a chance to experience them and see for yourself. 

today is day one of "7 days of free oil".  i will be giving away one oil a day.  all i ask is that only non-members participate.  check back here each day to see what that days giveaway is and be sure to let your friends know (remember if you refer a friend to me, you get cash if they end up getting a kit).  in order to be in the running, you'll need to comment on my facebook post that has this blog link in it.  if we aren't friends, just send me a friend request :) i'll pick one name at random each morning following. 

in honor of "national hangover day", the first free oil is going to be grapefruit!  i'm making a promise to myself to incorporate this oil into my daily routine.  not only does it taste yummy, but it is so good for you! i'm currently drinking 4 drops of it in my water with 4 drops of lemon oil, a splash of ningxia red and a splash of orange juice. YUM.  here are a few of its benefits:

for these 7 days, i'm also going to include a few short excerpts from an amazing book that i've been reading called "The Essential Oil Truth: The Facts Without the Hype.  It's packed full of info for believers and skeptics alike with no talk of a certain EO company.  Just the facts. 

"Drugs and oils work in opposite ways.  Drugs toxify.  Oils detoxify.  Drugs clog and confuse receptor sites.  Oils clean receptor sites.  Drugs depress the immune system.  Oils strengthen the immune system.  Antibiotics attack bacteria indiscriminately, killing both the good and the bad.  Oils attack only the harmful bacteria, allowing our body's friendly flora to flourish." David Stewart, Ph. D., R.A., The Chemistry of Essential Oils, 2005.  <-------this is a quote from David Stewart's book that Jen Sullivan put in The Essential Oil Truth

that will wrap up day one.  tell you friends, comment on my page and get some oils in your hands for FREE!!!