Saturday, January 2, 2016

o: day two of free oils!

i think another name for new years day should be "most productive day of the year".  i woke up with my game face on, and knocked out a ton of things on my business to-do list.  the house was a disaster after christmas and being gone for almost a week, with clothes everywhere and dishes filling the sink.  with all the stuff i got done yesterday morning, i had zero intentions of tackling the mess until monday, but jon came to me and said....let's team up and clean like crazy. umm what? beautiful words coming from the mouth of a hubby. so we went on a cleaning frenzy! all the decorations are down, downstairs is spotless (even cleaned the OUTSIDE of the windows) and laundry is done.  feels so good. we then even went on a family walk/run.  and tomorrow starts round 2 of the 21 days fix. feeling GOOD!

ok now for the oil giveaway.  yesterday's grapefruit oil got snatched up by Tracy Bishop! Congrats Tracy! I tried to post the video in the comments but it only lets me post pix, so i'll try to put it in the post with this blog link.

today's oil is what we call the "swiss army knife of essential oils".  lavender. 

the uses are endless!  most people know of lavender as being a relaxer/sleep aid.  it is! but it does SO much more.  my top 3 uses are:
-adding a drop to my shampoo and mascara to promote hair growth and strength
-rubbing a drop down the bridge of your nose when its stuffy to stop the boogies
-easing discomfort on the skin from a burn, rash or dryness

here are some more uses. comment on my facebook post for your chance to win! the odds are good!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to post a comment on your fb, but it would only let me share, so I'm posting here.
