Friday, January 1, 2016

on the first day of giveaways...

happy new year!

one of my resolutions this year is to write more blog posts, so here i am.

i have a long list of goals this year, and one of those goals is to help even more people discover the amazing world of essential oils than i did last year.  it's been amazing to watch people naturally take charge of their health, including myself. i want to step it up even MORE.

so what better way to start off a new year than by giving away free stuff? i feel so blessed to have the knowledge and success in just one year that i do with these oils so i want to spread the love. i wanna get them in the hands of as many people as possible so that you have a chance to experience them and see for yourself. 

today is day one of "7 days of free oil".  i will be giving away one oil a day.  all i ask is that only non-members participate.  check back here each day to see what that days giveaway is and be sure to let your friends know (remember if you refer a friend to me, you get cash if they end up getting a kit).  in order to be in the running, you'll need to comment on my facebook post that has this blog link in it.  if we aren't friends, just send me a friend request :) i'll pick one name at random each morning following. 

in honor of "national hangover day", the first free oil is going to be grapefruit!  i'm making a promise to myself to incorporate this oil into my daily routine.  not only does it taste yummy, but it is so good for you! i'm currently drinking 4 drops of it in my water with 4 drops of lemon oil, a splash of ningxia red and a splash of orange juice. YUM.  here are a few of its benefits:

for these 7 days, i'm also going to include a few short excerpts from an amazing book that i've been reading called "The Essential Oil Truth: The Facts Without the Hype.  It's packed full of info for believers and skeptics alike with no talk of a certain EO company.  Just the facts. 

"Drugs and oils work in opposite ways.  Drugs toxify.  Oils detoxify.  Drugs clog and confuse receptor sites.  Oils clean receptor sites.  Drugs depress the immune system.  Oils strengthen the immune system.  Antibiotics attack bacteria indiscriminately, killing both the good and the bad.  Oils attack only the harmful bacteria, allowing our body's friendly flora to flourish." David Stewart, Ph. D., R.A., The Chemistry of Essential Oils, 2005.  <-------this is a quote from David Stewart's book that Jen Sullivan put in The Essential Oil Truth

that will wrap up day one.  tell you friends, comment on my page and get some oils in your hands for FREE!!!

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