Monday, April 6, 2015

f/k: a little food, a little easter, a lot of pictures.

i was going to just post a few pictures of food and call it a day but then i kept scrolling through my photo library and kept adding and adding and adding.  sorry not sorry.

every now and then jon and i get nostalgic about our time in hawaii.  even though i never officially lived there, he did.  and visiting him multiple times and doing non-touristy, local kind of things made it feel like i was a resident for a bit.  i loved that phase in our life and our relationship so its fun to get a taste (literally) of that experience occasionally.  i may have even posted an ahi poke picture and recipe to my blog way back in the day but i don't feel like searching so i'm doing it again.  i used the recipe found here.  calls for way too much onion so i cut that in half and it was delicious.  made me feel like i was back on honolulu, stopping at the store to pick up my poke lunch and walking to the beach while jon was at work :) ahhhhhhhh memories.

i made this pork chop recipe on a whim one night.  it was pretty tasty, not mind-blowing but it did the job.  over some mashed potatoes would have been tasty because it makes a ton of gravy.  recipe is here.

moving right along.

we are so beyond blessed to once again be close to (some of) our family.  being in georgia and even redlands was tough but now we are only 45 minutes up the road from my parents, jon's dad and stepmom, and his sister and her family (as well as jon's aunts and uncles).  we get to spend so much more time with rachel and the boys.  so glad my kids will be growing up with at least a few of their cousins! something i didn't get which i would have LOVED.  the following pictures are from a pool day in temecula and a morning trip to sea world.  

below are a somewhat random collections of pictures taken in the last week.  we spent easter weekend at my parents house in san diego so we did our typical sushi deli 3 dinner (MOM!!! i just realized i left my leftovers at your house.  bring them wednesday plllllllease!!) <------i hope its safe to assume my mom reads my blog lol.  anyways, the picture of makena in the walker.  turned the corner to find her in it.  it was one of those incredibly difficult mom moments where you have to keep a straight face because she knows shes not supposed to go in there but all i wanted to do was crack up.  turkey burger pictures and homemade fries was our dinner tonight.  nom.
just because. look at the adoration!
oh come on. soooo sweet.
silly faced selfie.
you can tell she's waiting to see what my expression is gonna be.  i had to turn around and hold my phone behind me to take this picture because i was laughing.

we had fun doing an easter basket and egg hunt at di-da and pap-pap's house on saturday.  and i totally failed because the last picture is the only actual easter sunday picture i took.  no cute posed pictures of their kids in their adorable outfits.  no pictures with uncle jeff and auntie cindy.  fail.

i also got a chance to make some homemade foaming thieves hand soap.  ridiculously easy to do.  message me if you want the exact recipe.

one last thing.

**oil bonus** i'm feeling generous and just decided right now that for anyone who orders a premium starter oil kit from me this month and references this blog post, i'll send you a free goody bag with starter accessories.  i was planning on only giving these out for kit sales at my upcoming party but what the heck.  i love sharing the oily love. 

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