Thursday, September 13, 2012


a quick bullet point update!

  • vacation is hard work with a 6 month old
  • spending time with both mine and jon's family over the last two weeks was amazing
  • makena has a tooth! her bottom middle with the second one popping through now as well
  • she is also almost mobile.  as of this morning, she started scooting......backwards, lol!
  • i need to work out
  • fall is here which means my house will smell like cinnamon and cloves for the next two months
  • the weather is perfect, and perfect weather makes me happy
  • makena has discovered she has a voice and now says mama, dada, baba, pap-pap, and nana
  •  i have hundreds of pictures from the last two weeks that i need to upload
  • my baby will be 7 months old in a week, whoa
  • after makena was a terrible sleeper and napper on vacation, we cracked down when we got home and she now only fusses for 10ish minutes before falling asleep on her own
  • we lessened makena's medicine to once a day and then completely stopped it today, but after puking 3 times i'm thinking she still needs to be on it
  • its hard to think of updates on anything but makena
  • my arms and legs got tan for the first time this whole summer!
  • the leaves are about to change colors and i am reminded that the east coast really is the best place to live during the fall
  • i'm really itching to get crafty. stay tuned.
  • ellen is on again so all is right in the world
  • sodastream energy is the best
  • ok, im running out of interesting things to say. goodbye.


  1. i really do miss the east coast during this time of year. but for some reason i still feel fall in the air in SF. there's a certain crispness that reminds me of being home. i can't wait to get back there! miss you love :)

  2. You're funny :) I loved your updates!
