Thursday, August 16, 2012

linguini and clams.

On the menu the other night was one of my favorite meals, linguini and clams.  Luckily Jon likes it a lot too so we make it pretty often.  I usually add garlic bread but we didn't have any and its still delicious without it.  This recipe makes 4 "jon and Kristen-sized" portions. enjoy!

  • 4 (6.5 ounce) cans minced clams, with juice
  • 1 stick butter
  •  3/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • juice of half a lemon 
  • 1/2 onion, diced 
  • 2 tablespoon dried parsley
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tablespoon dried basil
  • 1 (16 ounce) package linguini pasta
Ingredients, minus the butter which Jon was picking up at the store :)
  1. Cook pasta according to package directions. 
  2. Meanwhile, saute the onions in a little bit of oil for a few minutes  
  3. Finally, prepare the sauce. Combine clams with juice, butter or margarine, vegetable oil, minced garlic, parsley, basil, and pepper in a large saucepan. Place over medium heat until boiling. Serve warm over pasta. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

nothing clever, just a long overdue update!

i've been really putting off this update simply because it has been so long and i feel like there is just too much to write about to catch the world up.  lol, i act like you people are all just sitting on the edges of your seats anxiously awaiting updates and info on my family.  i'm not dumb, i know that's not the case.  i really have missed jotting down life's newest joys and challenges. 

i can honestly say that i have FINALLY reached a point where i can thoroughly enjoy every single second of makena.  that doesn't mean that she is a perfect baby, but i think i've really figured out this whole mom thing.  bluntly put, february-july was the hardest few months of my life.  between the reflux and colic and homesickness, it was a lot.  my sweet girl has done a complete 180 and is the happiest baby in the world!  her "cry" is more like a ma-ma-ma-ma whine....a much welcome change from the screaming i once knew.  my absolute favorite moments are walking into her room and the morning and seeing her beaming smile the second she spot jon and/or i.  my heart never fails to melt and they are moments i will have engrained in my memory forever.

its absolutely insane to me that she is almost 6 months old.  i swear that every day she is learning something new.  she can now almost sit up straight on her own.  she still sort-of does the gorilla sit but shes very close! i am also proud to say that she is now formula-fed.  if you know anything about my struggles that came with breastfeeding, you'll know how much of a relief it is for me to be done.  i really struggled with the decision to wean but i realized i needed to do it for my own sanity.  she has mommy milk for 5.5 months, which i know was a great start.  between the dairy allergy, lipase overproduction, lazy baby, bi-weekly clogged ducts and other was time.  luckily it has been a very smooth transition.  even more so for makena than me! she is on a soy-based formula but couldn't care less that it tasted different. phew! sadly, i'm probably gonna gain a good 10 lbs back now that i have re-introduced dairy.  i can say that i am definitely still lactose intolerant but that doesn't stop me! cheeeeeeeeese yuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!!!
chunky legs. :)
 in less than two weeks jon, makena and i will be leaving for an amazing vacation!  we will be spending a week in the outer banks with the gideon/litwin family at a gorgeous beach 3 story beach house, right on the water (with an elevator!).  we then get to explore charleston for a couple days and then we head to south carolina for another week of beaches with the smith/daniels family.  i'm 10% stressed and 90% excited.  makena isn't a huge fan of the car and hasn't been on a drive more than 1.5 hours so our 10+ hour car rides could be interesting.  i cannot wait to make so many wonderful memories with ALL of our family.  so blessed to get this opportunity.

sadly, my brother justin and his family won't make it to the beach because they just welcomed the birth of their precious twin babies!  i am so proud to say that i now have SIX nephews and my FIRST niece! Adelyn Patricia and Owen Francesco were born July 16 (2 days after my bday!) and both are home, happy and healthy.  it was a very long road for laura, spending an entire month in the hospital before they arrived but she is such a trooper and they are so adorable! i cannot wait to meet them hopefully soon. 
perfect babies.  adelyn and owen!
 as my life has finally "calmed down" when it comes to baby, and now that dairy is once again a part of my life :), i have an itch to get my creative juices flowing again.  i have been wanting to start some projects around the house, and i decided to start with a photo wall in our foyer.  pictures to follow once its done.  also on my list are a menu chalkboard for the kitchen and jon and i want to team up and build/finish/decorate a homemade hutch that we will use as a liquor cabinet.  we want to incorporate an old window as the counter and install wine glass holders and cabinets for glasses.  that probably won't happen for a while but its on our list! i also would really like to start a scrapbook for makena.  i know if i don't start soon i'll get so behind that i will never start it.  i've been bad about documenting all of her milestones, which is another reason i wanted to update my blog so i can refer back.  i will also be adding new recipes and meals here as well. 

as far as san diego goes, my heart will always be there.  i still want to get back there, as soon as possible.  it doesn't look like the chances of that happening anytime soon are very great but i've been learning lately to appreciate what i have.  i've really been connecting with some of the girls here, i live in a great house and i'm a stay at home mom! what could i really complain about? yes, i miss family and friends (and san diego food) terribly, but i'm trying to enjoy this time here because i know it won't be forever. 
 i think i'll leave it at that for now.  its good to be back :)