Friday, March 23, 2012

One Month Check-Up

Beware: This post contains LOTS of poop talk.

Well, it’s been a month since Makena has graced this world with her presence, and I can officially say that I suck at updating this blog.  Granted, figuring out how to be a (good) mommy is a full time job.  To sum up the last month there have been lots of smiles, tears and poops.  Makena has been busy too ;)

We went in for her one-month check-up today and we learned a lot.  First off,  she weighs 10 pounds, 5 oz and is in the 80th percentile for weight. Lol! That’s our girl!  She is 21.2 inches long and in the 50th percentile and her head size is in the 30th percentile.  Which makes me laugh because the OB’s kept convincing me she had a big dome and I may not be able to give birth naturally because of it!  Overall her health is GREAT and she is gaining weight like a champ.

Since day one we have had a hard time with baby girl when it comes to feeding.  At first it was because she is SUPER lazy.  I was determined to breast-feed her but she had other plans.  Luckily, without going into too much detail, I am still able to bottle-feed her my milk.  It’s hard having to pump every 3 hours but overall I’m just happy to have her on the booby milk!  That hurdle was overcome, but then I started noticing that she was having some green poops and discomfort that didn’t seem normal.  I watched it for about a week and took a mental note of what I was eating.  I cut out garlic, onions, tomatoes and other acidic foods.  That didn’t help.  I started thinking that maybe she just had gas problems because she sucks at burping.  But why the green poop? (Stay with me people…) I decided to cut out all questionable foods, including all dairy.  Long story short, her poop returned to the normal color but was not the right consistency and she was still in a ton of pain and had horrible gas problems.  Many tears (from both me and her) and long days later, I found out today that she is allergic to the protein in cow’s milk.  EFF.  This means, that best case scenario, I cut out ALL dairy the whole time I breastfeed.  If she still has blood in her poop next month, I have to stop breastfeeding all together and switch to a non-dairy formula.  Sad face.  The doctor said most babies outgrow this allergy between 9-12 months and others not until age 3-5.  Most of the time its not an allergy they live with their whole life.  Goodbye to all of my favorite foods. Hello to a skinny bod again? Grrrrr, gotta find the silver lining.

Oh! Also, I’m selling 42 ounces of breast milk on Craigslist if anyone is interested.  JOKE.  But for those moms who value the worth of “liquid gold”, it is heart breaking to have to throw so much precious frozen milk away. Sad day.

Other than this feeding issue, Makena is SUCH a blessing and truly and amazing baby.  She brings so much joy to our lives and I can’t imagine life without her now.  Jon is the best dad anyone could ever ask for.  If only she knew how lucky she was to have two parents that love her more than anything.  I fall deeper in love with my husband everyday as I watch him care for and love his daughter.  I am so lucky.

What DID I use to talk about?? 

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