Thursday, October 6, 2011

our little cupcake!

today is an exciting day.  actually, it's just thursday and my husband is working all day and i spent my morning in a waiting room with all old people waiting to get an echocardiogram.  and if you are me last week and don't know what that is, its an ultrasound of your heart. 

but why today is exciting to ME is because it marks 20 weeks in my pregnancy.  that means i am halfway there! you know how people let you believe that pregnancy lasts 9 months? well that's a mean lie.  it's really 10 months.  40 weeks. granted, when you find out you are pregnant you are already 4-5 weeks along, but still. 

anyway! i thought i'd recap last weekend since it was such a memorable one for us. 

friday was the big day.  the anatomy scan we have been looking forward to for months.  our plan all along had been to go to the appointment in the morning and then leave shortly after that for Savannah, where we spent the weekend celebrating our first anniversary.  well, things didn't really go according to plan.  it was the last day of the quarter for jon which means he could be really busy.  last minute he got a call to work on thursday about 3 hours away.  he was supposed to finish the job that day and make it home in time to go to the appointment friday but that's not what happened.  the part they were waiting on kept getting delayed and i found out thursday evening that he wasn't gonna be back in time for the appointment. there were lots of tears on my end and i could tell jon was really bummed too. 

so the next morning i got up and headed to the appointment.  when i got in the room, the ultrasound tech started doing her job and immediately we both notice how nonstop the baby was.  it took her forever to get the right measurements because our little squirmer would not sit still.  the tech even mentioned that this may be the most active baby she's seen. oh great. i hope that's not foreshadowing of what its gonna be like once he/she is born! i made sure she knew that i didn't want to know the gender.  i had her tell me when to turn away so she could find out on her own and then write it down and seal it in an envelope.  she said she may not even be able to tell what it is because of how much the baby was moving but said she saw.  so she left and the doctor came in.  he went over everything himself and pointed out all the parts.  it was the most amazing thing i've ever seen.  he knew every inch of the baby and showed me the kidneys, heart valves, every finger and every toe.  when he got to the feet he showed me that the baby's second toe is longer than its big toe. i laughed because mine is the same way, but only on one foot.  i told him this so he goes to the other foot and sure enough, normal! sorry baby, you got mommy's weird feet.  he also pointed out the facial featured and told us that our baby is probably gonna be born with chubster cheeks.  i couldn't believe it!  he/she had such a round and (apparently) full face for so early in the pregnancy.  haha i'm dying to see this baby! he figured out the gender without even having me look away and when he was done, the tech came back with my envelope containing the results.  AHHHHH! i was so relieved that everything about our sweet baby looked normal and healthy but now is when the real anticipation set it.
profile.  legs are scrunched up to the chest.

i drove straight from there to the cupcake shop and called jon on the way to tell him all the details.  the lady at the cupcake place was happy to work with me and agreed to fill a cupcake with a colored filling according to the gender.  i headed home and waited for jon to get back so we could leave to savannah.

we finally hit the road around 3:15pm and arrived in savannah at 7:30pm. 

thanks to my mom and dad, we stayed at the westin hotel right on the riverfront.  the back of our hotel faced downtown savannah, right across the river. it was beautiful!
our room

beautiful view. downtown savannah right across the river

we dropped our stuff off at the room and changed real quick.  by this time it was 8pm and not only were we hungry but we were dying to know what our baby was!!  we went to a yummy sushi place about 20 minutes away and had a great, romantic dinner. 
that tiny little box held our baby's fate!
and then it was time.  jon cut the seal of the box and i started squealing in excitement.  we weren't able to tell by the frosting so we knew we had to cut into it to get our answer.  the pictures tell the story...
it's a girl!!!!!
happy parents :)
needless to say, we were overjoyed!!  i've just "known" since very early in the pregnancy that this baby was a girl and so it was amazing to confirm my gut.  my mommy intuition is in working order woo hoo!!  my favorite part about the whole night was watching jon glow and listening to him talk about his daughter.  that little girl already has him completely wrapped around her tiny little fingers.  he is going to be the most amazing daddy in the whole world and i know she will look at him as a super hero. 

also, we got to start calling her by her name, which is makena rylie smith. makena is a town in maui that jon and i visited and loved. plus we just love the name and the hawaiian reference since such a huge part of our relationship centered around hawaii. 

the rest of the weekend was a dream.  we slept in, laid by the pool, visited tybee island and walked around downtown savannah.  jon also surprised me with tickets to see wicked this weekend! it was the perfect way to celebrate not only our baby girl news, but also the first year of marriage that jon and i have experienced together.  and as most of you know, it has been quite a year.  i am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man and i am so proud to have him be the father of my children.  i love you so much jonathan smith. 

i'll leave you with a few more pictures from our perfect weekend.
tybee island
october 3, 2011. one year anniversary. starting a photo tradition of holding the picture of the year before :)

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