Tuesday, June 14, 2011

am i seeing things?

needless to say i've been peeing every morning when i wake up.  today my best friend suzie is leaving after a week of being here.  as routine, i got up before jon. peed. waited. saw nothing. went back to bed.

for some reason tho, i didn't throw it away.  i tucked the test in my bathroom drawer and went about my day.  took sooz to the airport, yada yada yada, etc.  a few hours later i remembered that i had kept the test.  i took it out, stuck it up by the light, twisted and turned.....

and there it was.  for the first 30 seconds i was convinced my eyes were playing tricks on me.  it was barely a line.  but as they say, a lines a line right?

i was so excited! but at the same moment i realized how excited i was, i also realized how scared i was.  here we are again.  the joy of the "line". but its a whole different game this time.  now's when the praying starts.  well actually, the praying started a while ago but now its full force.  

i know i know, you're DYING to know what happened next! well...nothing actually.  i decided that i am gonna keep my big mouth shut about it for the next 5 long days and wait to break it to baby daddy on father's day.

this is NOT going to be easy.

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