Sunday, June 19, 2011

4 weeks. peachy.

ok now is when i start to calm down when it comes to the constant posts.

stats- i was 4 weeks on thursday, according to my lmp (last missed period).  which puts my estimated due date at february 23, 2012.
                symptoms have been mild but have included:
                           -slight exhaustion
                           -gassy (pleasant i know.)
                           -hungrier than normal at times
                           -minor lower back pain

i'm trying to embrace the hunger part, considering in a few weeks the sight of food may make me vomit.  i've also been drinking between 65-100 ounces of water per day.  i'd say i average pee breaks about every 17 minutes throughout the day.  i'm considering investing stock in toilet paper.

my first prenatal appointment isn't until july 18th.  my 8 weeks is on july 14th, my birthday. but with my brief history of 8 week dr. appointments, there's no way i was going on my birthday.

we won't be telling anyone else about the pregnancy until 8 weeks (family & possibly a few VERY close friends) and 10 & 11 weeks for everyone else (when we are in SD for isaiah's birth).

it was only right to name our little bun in the oven.  our first was named "thumper" after we saw that amazing and perfect little heartbeat at 6 and 7 weeks flickering on the screen.  this one has become "peachy" or "little peach". guess why?

and now the belly (or lack-there-of) pictures begin.  don't judge me.

embracing these"abs" for the next month or two.

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