Friday, June 12, 2015

o/f: paint stains and yellow curry

it's been a while since my last post.  woops! i really want to be better about trying to do more blog posts about oils, recipes and massive amounts of kid pictures so i don't annoy all my facebook friends (too late?). 

here's a quick picture testimony:


Luckily for me,  thieves cleaner and White Angelica (aka "patience in a bottle")

What's funny is that the paint pen stain came at the end of an already frustrating day, and I just didn't feel like dealing with it.  Well, a good 3 or 4 days went by before I tackled it.  Took less than a minute to get it out. I flipping love these products.

Ok recipe time.  I've been taking baby steps in the direction of a healthier lifestyle.  Setting step goals everyday with my FitBit, starting my MuTu exercise program (to help with my DR) again, and making slightly healthier meals haha!  One of my very best friends Suzie is temporarily staying with us so we have come up with a delicious (and healthy) meal plan for the next week.  Here was day 1, yellow curry chicken.  It was DELISH, but if we made it again we would add lime and some snap peas and put it over a bed of brown rice (instead of the potatoes)

**we didn't use baby corn, but we did add carrots, cauliflower and red and green bell pepper

pictures don't do it justice....

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