Sunday, June 28, 2015

k: lots and lots....and lots....of pictures.

Finally meeting Kacy's sweet new baby girl, Paige.
pool day in newport
Madilyn and my kiddos
just playing a round of golf ;)
this kid is the biggest cheeseball i know
see what i mean?
pretty girls. Madily (2) and Makena (3)
posing at her ENT appointment. this tough girl will be having her adenoids and tonsils removed in a few weeks.
who knew a papasan chair could be so much fun!
garage sale-ing.  this little cutie was a steal!
i love when they play (nicely) together.
just another day at one of the 5 parks in our neighborhood.
my little terror.  took out all of the nicely folded pj's and started climbing inside.
even with a silly face, my mind is constantly blown over how pretty this little girl is.
i may have indulged in this at the fair.  hey, i shared one patty with the kids ok?
lots of walking at the fair made for some sore feet
kena (ok me too) loved this huge slide
the carousel on the other hand was kind of sketchy and janky.
that face.
elias' first beach experience. i know, i know. he's over a year old and i practically live in san diego.
auntie sooz taking her out into the water.
so happy sooz lives here now!

he wasn't sure about the sand at first
haha hi mom!
mister stander!
the good life.
sand doesn't bother them anymore!
she even stuck her face in the sand.  i was shocked.
not a bad view
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best buds est. 2004
mama and i
trouble.  makena opened all the markers and gave them to elias...
but then he makes faces like this, and how could you not melt?

Saturday, June 27, 2015

o: ten diy all natural product recipes. you're welcome.

Dangit, I fail lately at the blog updating.  But I feel like most of you can relate...just tons to do when you're raising kids, being a wife, working from home, etc.

I had a really fun, super casual "make-and-take" oil party last week at my house where we drank wine, enjoyed oil-infused nom's and talked about the new Premium Starter Kit that just launched.  I made 4 different types of hummus, all made with oils (tomato basil, roasted garlic and lemon, roasted red pepper and taste of italy & jalapeno lime).  Also 4 types of whipped cream (chocolate orange, cinnamon, lemon and chocolate peppermint). Below are some pictures of the evening.

Today i'm feeling generous. And grateful, because Jon's been working away all week so when I saw him today he took the kids to his Dad's house :)  One of the things I gave away to guests at my party was a booklet of recipes.  They are all recipes for DIY, homemade, all-natural products that contain Young Living Essential Oils and below I'm including all of the recipes.  I'm particularly obsessed with the face wash and toner that i spray on my face nightly.  Which says a lot, because (don't judge me...) i really have never taken the time to wash my face with a specific face wash.  I would use those makeup remover towelettes and call it a day.  Luckily i have been blessed with pretty great skin, but the toner spray is doing amazing things to tone my complexion.  I also make sure to bring the Thieves spray wherever I go.  It stays in the diaper bag.  I spray it on dirty hands, nasty shopping carts, gross handles, dropped toys/cups and anything else that needs some some cleaning attention.

I get most of my non-EO products from Amazon.  If you have any questions on where to buy containers, EO and non-EO products alike, message me on FB or email me at

I'm hoping for some more new posts in the next few weeks.   We are going camping early next week (first time with the kids...wish us luck!!) and then I'm gonna be starting the 21 Day Fix sometime in the next few weeks.  Maybe I'll blog about my experience with that.

Happy Weekend!