Thursday, February 20, 2014

pregnant lady rant. kind of.

i have to laugh at all the comments that come my way while pregnant. none of them offend me or make me sad, they actually kinda crack me up. well known fact, I make huge babies. and it sure doesn't seem like that's gonna be any different this time around. i'm only 26 weeks pregnant and I look like I could pop at any time. i have to grow this little person for possibly FOURTEEN more weeks. the thought alone makes me wanna cry. i wonder how my body will be able to handle it? but then i think about kate gosseling and i feel way less sorry for myself. 

the next three months should be accompanied with some classic looks and comments from strangers. i already notice people's eyes instantly dart from my eyes to my belly and it makes me kinda chuckle. but the best are when people make comments. 

"getting close! how much longer?"
"sadly i'm only 26 weeks, i still have over 3 months."
"oh wow you sure have popped!"

"you're huge." lol

or my mom, who will just randomly look at me and laugh. a pity laugh. i can't help but laugh with her. it's better than crying!

or when people tell me how lucky i am to be carrying the baby all out front. how cute it looks. i will admit, my bump is pretty damn cute with it's perfect roundness, torpedo-like quality and my button that sticks out like the tie of a balloon. but lucky isn't exactly the word i would use. my back hurts. i already can hardly put on my pants and tie my shoes. half of my maternity clothes are already too small. holding my toddler on my lap or trying to snuggle her is almost impossible.  not to mention the consequences of carrying my "cute little basketball" all out front which include 643 stretch marks (probably pretty close to accurate lol), a herniated belly button and disconnected ab muscles. bye bye bikini days. 

can't wait to hear the comments in the weeks and months to come. when i tried walking makena out of me at the mall at 39 weeks, i was a straight spectacle. seriously I felt like an exhibit at the zoo or a freak show act at the circus. 

all that being said i really have nothing to complain about. i'd rather have big babies than premie babies. i'd rather "ruin" my body than have anything wrong with my precious little baby's body. i'm blessed that i'm able to be active and productive when a few months ago i for sure thought i'd be doomed to my bed by now. i do not take that for granted and thank god everyday that i'm able to still be a mom and a wife like i want/need to be. and i'm also thankful for such a helpful husband! 

gonna post some yummy recipes soon, i have a ton planned for the next week or two. but for now i can't think about food. i'm ten minutes away from my third blood draw after doing a 2 hour glucose test. which means i haven't eaten anything in 15 hours, and then had chug 8oz of pure sugar liquid, and sit in the waiting room for two hours. no food. elias is going nuts and i feel like i'm gonna pass out, but it's almost over! 

will follow up with a food post soon! 

26 week belly. waiting for my glucose test to end. 

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