Monday, January 27, 2014

pregnancy update

it's been a while since my last post. there hasn't been much cooking going on but hopefully that's gonna change soon. i went to the doctor today and saw my official OB who i haven't seen since I was 11 weeks. i walked out of my appt feeling really confident. first of all, everything came back perfect from the anatomy scan. elias weighed a little less than a pound at 20 weeks (i'm almost 23 weeks now) which is right on track. my cervix looks great as well. closed and long (sorry tmi). i asked him about the pressure i've been experiencing and he assured me it is very common. he didn't tell me I needed to be on any sort of bed rest so that's exciting! just take it easy and keep listening to my body. i've noticed the pressure seems to be getting better, hopefully it's because baby is bigger and sitting higher up in my belly. also he again confirmed that my diastasis recti (separated abs) is really bad and that is contributing to the pressure and also why i look 30 weeks pregnant instead of 22. he's gonna get me in touch with a physical therapist after i deliver. his last patient who had a bad case like mine (hers was actually not as bad as mine) was able to close her gap 90% of the way. he can't promise me i will be as lucky but anything is better than how it is now. he also told me that if for some reason i have to get a c-section (praying that doesn't have to happen) that he will stitch my abs back together while he's "in there". he said the surgery doesn't work as well as he would like but it's still worth a shot. since I birth giant babies, he's gonna try and start labor at 39 weeks (may 21) by striping my membranes if baby hasn't come by then. he basically just told me my body is traumatized from makena's pregnancy and that's why it's so much harder this time around. he also put me on a prescription for my terrible acid reflux. sorry so long, but that's the update! thank you to those who have prayed for us and also those who have helped us out with meals and meal planning! i have been blown away by the support. so happy to report that things can get back to normal and i can start doing more activity!! hooray! thanks again, xoxo :)

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