Tuesday, December 27, 2011

quick baby update, longer post to follow...

it's been WAY too long since i last updated, but with it being the holidays and such, you understand right??

today we had our (almost) 32 week appointment at the high risk OB to check on Makena's growth. i love these appointments!  although we sat in the waiting room for almost an hour, the ultrasounds are always so thorough and i never feel rushed.  well, here she is, our little chunkster cutie!
it's a straight-on shot of her face. i cannot believe how clear this picture is! check out those cheeks and chin! haha i can't wait to squeeze them!

other stats: she is weighing in at 4 lbs 13 oz (+/- 12 oz) and is in the 66th percentile. the nurse made it clear that she isn't gonna be a small baby, but that she is in the "normal" range.  she's measuring ahead by almost 2 weeks but they aren't going to officially change the due date since the earlier measurements are the most accurate anyways.  it showed her new date being feb 12.  that being said i won't be surprised if she shows up between feb 12-23.  i would be surprised if she was late!  and if she gains the 1/2 lb per week that she is supposed to from here on out, she will be close to 9 lbs when she is born. holy moly!

the placenta is clear of any forming clots and the doctor said she is very happy with everything.  she also mentioned that i am the most "boring" person she has seen all day which is definitely a good thing! 

we are SOO happy that she is growing BIG and strong.  her heartbeat is 147bpm which is right on track and she has 10 little fingers and 10 little (probably big, my fault) toes.  we feel so blessed to not have any complications at this point and cannot wait to meet our baby girl in less than 2 months!

next and final high risk ob appt is at 36 weeks for one last growth check. keep doing what you're doing kena, we love you!


  1. I am so excited and happy for you Kris! It is so amazing to see her beautiful baby face!! :)

  2. She is adorable! Thanks for the post, this is wonderful news!
