Saturday, December 31, 2011

farewell 2011, you've been.....interesting!

i want to take a few minutes to reflect back on all the changes this year has brought.  i can honestly say that i've never been through so many life experiences and for each i am thankful.  though some were devastating, heart-breaking and difficult, i am a stronger person because of each one.  i've also experienced some AMAZING new changes and opportunities.  i feel so blessed with the life i have been given and thank God every day.  i wish you all a happy new year!

January 1st, 2011-i rang in the new year with my husband and a few hours later he was driving across the country to our new home state of georgia.  this would be the last time i would see him until the end of feburary (minus one weekend mid-february).  over the next two months i would be in charge of packing up our whole house, finishing my job at the barrel room after 4 years, and saying goodbye to all of my family and friends.

February 24th, 2011- jon flies into san diego after being in atlanta, ga (finding us a house and training) and sunnyvale, ca (training).  we pack up the truck and the pup and start our longgggg drive across the country.  2200 miles and 36 hours later, we have arrived in marietta, ga. our new home.

February 25th, 2011- we have been in our new home for less than 24 hours when i have this nagging urge to take a pregnancy test.  the night we moved in we opened a bottle of wine to celebrate, but i couldn't bring myself to drink more than half a glass. if you know me at all, you know this is strange.  i decided to pee on a stick in the morning and bam! prego.  we were shocked, excited, nervous and overjoyed all at the same time! talk about huge life changes!
March, 2011- This was our transition month.  Learning how to get around in a new place, realizing we have a baby on the way, and adjusting to being away from all our friends and family.

April 4, 2011- worst day of my life so far.  after an ultrasound (and heartbeat) just one week before, we find out that we have lost our baby at just 8 weeks.  a pain i could have never imagined, and a feeling i hope to never experience again.  r.i.p. "thumper", we love you so much and will never forget you.  to us, you will always be our first.  see you in heaven one day.

May, 2011- i take a much-needed trip home to san diego, and jon starts back up at school.  he had his aa degree but went back to university of phoenix with the gi bill to obtain his bachelors degree.  i am so proud of him for all the hard work he does for our family! mom comes to visit and we also get into camping, fishing and start making some friends in the neighborhood.

June, 2011- my body finally is back to "normal" after our miscarriage, and we realize that we are indeed ready for a baby.  we get the okay to try and ta-da! pregnant! i found out on june 14th that i was 3 weeks and 5 days along! my hopes were to keep it a secret from jon until father's day (5 days from when i found out) so i could tell him then, but i failed.  he was so excited to find out again that he was gonna be a daddy! suzie also came to visit this month and we all visited savannah together and LOVED it! things are finally starting to look up for me.  the weather on the other hand starts to get pretty hot and miserable. ohhhhh hotlanta...

July, 2011- hot hot hot. have you ever been to atlanta in july? don't.  we could barely spend time at the pool because its just too damn humid! we learn that rachel and kerry are expecting their second baby, and matthew and kim give birth to their first son, isaiah christopher! i turned a quarter century on the 14th and headed back to san diego on the 30th with some exciting news to share.  it has been a scary last few weeks, as the beginning of this pregnancy came with lots of scares, potential complications and the knowledge of a blood clotting disorder that i have. but at 10 weeks, we are feeling confident and ready to share!
my 25th bday, 8 weeks along
August, 2011-jon joins me at home for a week.  my visit home started out awful, i got food poisoning so bad that it landed me a day in urgent care, hooked up to two IV bags and a dose of morphine.  i've never puked so much and felt so awful in my whole life! i finally get better and enjoy the rest of our trip.   grandpa gets married and we come back to atlanta with some nice tans :)

September, 2011- we find out on the last day of the month that we are having a girl!! that's basically what this month consisted of. waiting til the last day, haha. 

October 3, 2011- jon and i celebrate our one year anniversary!  we have been through a lot together in just a year and i am pretty dang proud of us as a couple.  sure, we bicker.  but we love each other more than anything and realize we can get through anything together.  we value our marriage and we value each other.  matthew and kim come to atlanta with 3 month old isaiah!  we had a great time with them, as usual. i also have become obsessed with fall and am in love with all the colors and weather.  we had a great time visiting the pumpkin patch and going apple picking.

November, 2011- mom comes to visit again which is always awesome.  i cooked my first thanksgiving meal all by myself!  i made WAY too much food but i have to admit, it turned out pretty delicious! i had a few moments of sadness being so far away from family but we made it through :)

December, 2011- i go home to san diego one last time and rock my baby bump before makena is born.  my sisters, mom and aunts throw me the BEST baby shower!  it was grinch themed and it was perfect.  i head back to atlanta to spend the rest of the holidays with my little family.  jon has been crazy busy with work but we have a great christmas together just the two of us.  it was a hard year of firsts (being away from family during main holidays) but i'm so blessed to have such a great husband, dog and baby on the way. 

talk about a year! jon is excelling at his job and i couldn't be more proud of him.  he's also maintaining straight a's in school as well as being an amazing husband.  i am fortunate enough to be a stay-at-home wife (soon mom).  though moving across the country and learning to deal with the demands of jon's job has been very difficult for me, i know we are here for a reason.  and i am so thankful for what i have.  here's to 2011! can't wait to reflect back next year at this time and be amazed at yet again how fast time flies! be safe tonight everyone. :) xoxo

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

quick baby update, longer post to follow...

it's been WAY too long since i last updated, but with it being the holidays and such, you understand right??

today we had our (almost) 32 week appointment at the high risk OB to check on Makena's growth. i love these appointments!  although we sat in the waiting room for almost an hour, the ultrasounds are always so thorough and i never feel rushed.  well, here she is, our little chunkster cutie!
it's a straight-on shot of her face. i cannot believe how clear this picture is! check out those cheeks and chin! haha i can't wait to squeeze them!

other stats: she is weighing in at 4 lbs 13 oz (+/- 12 oz) and is in the 66th percentile. the nurse made it clear that she isn't gonna be a small baby, but that she is in the "normal" range.  she's measuring ahead by almost 2 weeks but they aren't going to officially change the due date since the earlier measurements are the most accurate anyways.  it showed her new date being feb 12.  that being said i won't be surprised if she shows up between feb 12-23.  i would be surprised if she was late!  and if she gains the 1/2 lb per week that she is supposed to from here on out, she will be close to 9 lbs when she is born. holy moly!

the placenta is clear of any forming clots and the doctor said she is very happy with everything.  she also mentioned that i am the most "boring" person she has seen all day which is definitely a good thing! 

we are SOO happy that she is growing BIG and strong.  her heartbeat is 147bpm which is right on track and she has 10 little fingers and 10 little (probably big, my fault) toes.  we feel so blessed to not have any complications at this point and cannot wait to meet our baby girl in less than 2 months!

next and final high risk ob appt is at 36 weeks for one last growth check. keep doing what you're doing kena, we love you!