Tuesday, November 1, 2011

money talk. baby talk. zero pictures!

i have started to feel like i've somewhat lost sight of the original purpose of this blog.  it's become lots of recipes and pictures (which is GREAT) but i feel like i want to be better about updating on the everyday things. 

i know i have already gone over and described the new money management system jon and i started doing, but i wanted to give an update.  october was the first month we completely relied on cash and stopped using our credit cards altogether.  let me just say that it was not easy.  after jons first paycheck (which is basically our rent with a little left over), we were SCROUNGING until the next paycheck.  we stayed strong and didn't cave.  not to mention we had guests for a week so that adds to the expenses.  well, because of some unexpected twists and surprises, we weren't able to fill all of our october envelopes.  not to mention jon's school money didn't come in until october 31 so with that we were feeling discouraged.  but again we stayed strong and on the 31st we got school money, bonus money and the first november paycheck! not only were we able to catch up on all the october envelopes but we paid every upcoming bill for november, filled half of the november envelopes, put aside a chunk for christmas gifts and got me a new iphone.  AND we will be able to make TWO EXTRA truck payments this month when school money comes in.  i guess the reason i share all of this is because if any of you are thinking about starting this money system, i totally encourage you to do it.  just know that the first few months can be tricky but we have already seen that it pays off (literally).  it also alleviates a ton of stress that goes hand in hand with credit card debt (especially around the holidays). 

on a different money note, we are still waiting for the truck to sell.  we put ads on autotrader and craigslist but haven't gotten too many bites.  we even lowered the price once but hope to not have to go any lower.  we are praying it sells soon so we can get rid of that loan as well as the majority of our jeep loan.

well that's that.  on to baby news.

luckily there's not much news to report.  which is always good.  makena rylie is growing like crazy which in turn means i am growing like crazy.  i have to say, no matter how much you mentally prepare for it, stepping on the scale and seeing those numbers climb is hard to swallow.  i'm so happy and grateful my baby girl is growing big and strong but i've gained almost 15 lbs already.  which IS normal.  it's a girl thing, you understand right?  you'd think this would make me change my eating habits.....nope. obviously it doesn't bother me TOO much :)  kena is an insanely active child already. which makes sense.  its so fun learning her little personality already.  every week when jon and i watch the sing off, she goes nuts.  she loves music like her mama! also whenever i eat or lay on my back.  she kicks me all day and all night.  should be interesting once she gets here.  i'm pretty sure she is gonna have her days and nights backward.  oh well, i'm getting my 9 hours of sleep a night now to stock up.  wait it doesn't work that way? 

two of my friends just had babies this past week (congrats amy/allan and ashley/marc!) and it has made me so excited to see jon hold our baby girl.  there's obviously so many reasons to be excited for her arrival (and also so many reasons to be nervous!) but i just cannot wait to see jon transform from a husband to a daddy.  he is going to be the best dad in the whole world.  he already loves his little girl so much and makes sure to kiss her and tell her everyday. 

i will be 24 weeks on thursday.  that means only 16 weeks to go and only 2 weeks until the 3rd trimester.  insane.  i'm getting an itch to start on her nursery but have decided to hold off until after my baby shower in san diego in december.  that way i can know what needs to be bought still and start after that.  in the meantime i hope to come up with little crafts for her room. 

this trimester has been so great, minus a few backaches and pulled muscles.  i have noticed lately though that simple tasks are becoming more and more difficult.  putting on socks, getting up from lying down, shaving my legs, etc.  i can't imagine how incapable i am going to be around 38-40 weeks. 

well that's about it for me when it comes to baby and money.  things are great, i can't complain.  ANNND mama gidz comes to visit tomorrow for almost a week!! i am so looking forward to her being here and spending time with her.  happy november my friends! xo

(wow look at that! no pictures!)

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