Tuesday, September 13, 2011

could it be?

17 days til the big gender reveal! i'm antsy, clearly.

so i had my 16 week check-up yesterday which was boring and took all of about 3 minutes (this of course does not include the 30 minutes i sat in the waiting room).  my doctor checked my pee, blood pressure and all that good stuff.  she also told me that i should set my alarm for 2am and eat a snack to help with morning sickness. eff that.  so she went to listen to the baby's heartbeat and at first we heard nothing. nothing is not what you wanna hear.  then a few seconds later there it was...the perfect little train-like noise.  she said the heart rate was in the 150's. 

so of course i go home and input the newest data into www.babybpm.com.  i've done this since the first ultrasound at 7 weeks.  basically you input the date, how many weeks along you are, and the heart rate.  they then predict the gender.  well, every time (so about 4 or 5 times) it has told me that we are having a girl.  which of course i just think, obviously...i've been saying that all along.

WELL, yesterday was a different story.  it was the first time it gave me a boy result. maybe we really are gonna have a boy! that would be awesome. but so would a girl.  shoot i can't decide! maybe i just want both, haha. 

on a fall note, i painted a mini pumpkin yesterday and made my first apple pie. good things are happening :) next up is homemade apple cider and caramel apple cupcakes.  how do i not have diabetes?

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