Tuesday, August 23, 2011

my belly is officially growing!

i'd like to apologize in advance for my half-naked belly photos.  i swear they will stop soon.  every time i go to post a blog update, jon isn't home to take a "decent" picture so i just upload the ones from my phone that i send to jon and my mom haha.

i'm almost 14 weeks now and can say that my belly is starting to pop.  i'm not quite past the "is she just pudgy?" stage but luckily its a round bump and not so much just a blob. 

i'm happy to announce that my morning sickness has almost officially come to an end!  thank god.  that was the worst.  headaches have taken place of the nausea but i'll take those over puking any day.  the headaches are pretty brutal though.  non-stop pounding usually from about 7pm until bed.  again i take it as baby saying, "i'm ok in here mama!"

ok no joke, i swear i just felt my first flutter.  i'm aware that i could be crazy and it could all be in my head but it almost felt like nervous butterflies on my left side (where i know the baby is).  so cool!  i just drank a cup of mango tea with honey so maybe it got the baby moving.  i guess only time will tell! 

not much else to report, pregnancy wise.  which is great news all in itself.  and with that my friends, i will leave you. 

13.5 weeks.  at night. after a meal. when its the biggest :)


  1. You look so cute! Grow baby, grow! :)

  2. pretty!! love your blog!! so excited for you guys...and to stalk you all the time now! ha! hope all is well!!

  3. thanks ladies! i just "followed" you too and love to read about whats going on in everyone's lives!
