In the awesome oil education group I'm in on Facebook, they have started to do an oil of the week and I love this idea! So I'm going to copy the info and post it here every week for my followers to read. If you'd like to be added to Apothecary Society, let me know!
Oil of the Week:
Eucalyptus, It’s a scary word to some! Whenever we talk oil safety, that particular oil comes up because of its camphor notes. DO NOT FEAR! Let’s make this bad boy a little less intimidating and talk about how wonderful this oil is.
Geologically the gum tree started in Tasmania and Australia and spread. The Aussies were the first to figure out that this plant was way more than just a fast growing tree, the aborigines would use it to bind up serious wounds, expediting the healing process. Eucalyptus Globulus in particular is a variety that is made up of 80% 1,8 cineol constituent that supports the respiratory system. The remaining large chunk of constituents belong to several monoterpenes, most of which have an affinity for the muscular system. Eucalyptus is also an absorption enhancer, a study was conducted on a topical drug combined with eucalyptus, the epidermal penetration rate increased 30 fold!
Here are some great ways to use Eucalyptus:
-Soak your dishcloths in some water and a few drops of Eucalyptus, it will de-funk them!
-If you have a steam mop, add a few drops to the bottom of the pad, it will do your nostrils a service and bid those germs on the floor farewell.
-Make a hot compress with it, take a bowl of warm water and add 5 drops of Eucalyptus, put a towel in the bowl, wring out the towel and put it on your chest or back. With its love for the respiratory and muscular systems it will be SO SOOTHING to someone with the crud.
A bit of safety info, if you are applying to kids please make sure to dilute, because of its eucalyptol (1,8 cineol) content it may be a little intense. If someone ingests a little on accident don’t freak out! Some aromatherapists actually allow their clients to ingest this oil under careful supervision. It would take anywhere from 30 to 250 drops of Eucalyptus to even be in the danger zone for possible poisoning. See? That wasn't so scary!
Also, this oil is being given away for FREE this month with qualifying orders of 190pv or more. It's a 15ml bottle which contains 250-300 drops. Score!